Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Do It Now

This past weekend, I hosted a party at the airport for a group of friends. We had food, games and airplane rides available for any who would like to go. I flew all afternoon! Everyone seemed to truly enjoy the day. I especially enjoy having the opportunity to share a little of my life with others. 

This morning I awoke to see that this picture had been posted on Facebook. I didn't even know that the picture had been taken! My husband says that he is always amazed by my transformation when I get to the airport. I become quiet, and very focused. As with all pilots, my first goal is safety, for myself and my passengers. I think you can see the focus in my face.      

I have been planning to do a video and talk a little more about this part of my life. It will come soon, I promise. It took a lot of hard work and determination to make this a reality in my life. And along the way there were a lot of funny stories, not so funny at the time, but hilarious now!

Is there something you would like to do...something special... just remember this;


  1. I met you once at SewExpo in puyallup and was amazed to find someone else who combined sewing with aviation. It's been fun to 'follow' you on your journey. {happy tailwinds}

    1. Whenever I see a note from you, I always think back to that day. It was a pleasure to meet you :)

  2. You are a fascinating person Rhonda.

  3. You will get this. My husband also had his own airplane and I though t it would be good for me to learn the essentials in case of.....
    After my first lesson, my husband complimented me with "I have never seen so many touch and goes in one landing!"

    1. Love it! But...regardless of how pretty the landing was, if you can walk away, it's a good landing. If the plane still flys, it's a great landing :)

  4. Great Post! I love aviation!

  5. You are one amazing woman, Rhonda. Your talents are limitless.

  6. You are even prettier in an airplane! You are so special, and such a delight. So glad to know you if just via the internet. I LOVE when pics of you are in the posts!
    Hugs, Joy

    1. I'm really trying to be a little better about taking pictures of me in what I do. Sometimes I just want to share it so that everyone has the info and there's only so much time. :)

  7. What a great addition to your already amazing life! Thanks for sharing this.

  8. I didn't know you were a pilot!! How wonderful!

  9. I think we should make a documentary - the Aussie and Yank, flying around the States meeting sewers with great skills and stories. This idea has been floating around in my head since I saw a post a few years ago about your flying. Nike!

    1. It's been floating around in my head too. Great idea!
