Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, April 22, 2016

Fabulous Free Pattern Friday/The Good Fortune Necklace

From the beginning, Fabulous Free Pattern Friday has been all about making easy pieces with rectangles, squares, circles and triangles. Today's addition to the lineup is super simple and could be made by even someone who has never sewn a stitch. 
The Good Fortune Necklace is just a series of circles sewn together. It can be worn close to the neck, or long and dangling. 
I made mine out of some leather that I had left over from another project. The necklace can be made out of;
1. Leather.
2. Fabric
3. Paper
So really just use your imagination and make what you like. A double sided fabric or paper would be especially pretty.

Since I wanted mine to be worn close to the neck, I needed to attach a clasp. Easily done, just sew a ring to either side and then attach the hook. 

Begin with a simple little circle.

My circles measure 1 1/2" across.

Once the circles are cut, fold in half and stitch down the center.

Once you get to the end, simply line up another circle. You will want just the slightest overlap. Back stitch at the intersections of the 2 circles.

Once you've sewn as many circles as you wish, put your fingers inside the adjust the circle so that it perks up a bit.  

All that's left is to put the necklace on and watch the good luck start coming your way!!!

Wishing you all a day filled with good fortune :)


  1. Замечательно! Красиво!

  2. That is really lovely. I have a lot of leather scraps so might just give this a go. Thanks for sharing the pattern. Xx

  3. There's so much you can do to add a lot of interest, like decorative thread and even beads. Have fun!

  4. So many possibilities... Thank-you!
