Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Few Notes On Wednesday/The Final Pepernoot Coat Sew Along Post

At about 3 o'clock this morning, both of my dogs were snuggled in close to me when a HUGE KA-BOOM!!! shook the house. It was just a big clap of thunder, but I laughed to myself as both dogs immediately left the bed and headed underneath. I always say that if we ever have a war, they'll be standing behind me saying, "shoot her first!"

Thank you so much to all who left a note on yesterday's blog post. Thank you for the lovely notes on my coat, and a very special thanks for your wishes of quick recovery. I am very positive that all will be well :) The only problem is that wearing a bra is not the best for a few days. I told a friend of mine last night that I felt as though I lost my protection against the world. I did go to my art class yesterday, but I wore a knit camisole, a thick t-shirt and a turtleneck top! Funny the things we'll do :)

For those of you who are following the Waffle Patterns Pepernoot Coat Sew Along that I've been doing for Sew News, the final post is up and you can find it HERE. I tried to take you step by step through the process of inserting the zipper. Success with your zipper will happen by paying close attention to the notches on the front band pattern piece. There is a notch that aligns with the neckline, and a notch that aligns with the waistline seam. I'm pointing to both of the notches in the picture below. Not only do you need to mark the notches on the front band, the notches should also be marked on each side of your zipper.

I also talk about the length of the zipper. I used a 30" zipper and you can see below that there is plenty of room for a longer than specified zipper.

Note too that I used a zipper that will unzip from the bottom as well as the top. This is a great feature that makes sitting in the coat a little more comfortable. Not that the coat is uncomfortable, it just gives the wearer the ability to have a little more room when sitting.

If you have any questions on finishing your coat, or inserting the zipper, please be sure to ask.

Since we added an extra post to the Pepernoot sew along, we're a bit delayed in starting the Magic Bias Dress sew along. As soon as that's up, I'll let you know.

Have a wonderful day. Enjoy your bras!!!


  1. The coat looks amazing and desirable and thank you for your extra detailed comments. I hope you are feeling a little better now, although these kind of issues do bring a different perspective to life and comfort though hopefully only for a short time. My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

  2. Funny! I think I would feel "naked" if I went out without a bra too. The coat is just too gorgeous. Fabulous fabric, fun pattern and beautiful sewing.

  3. Your coat is absolutely spectacular! You will never get lost in a crowd. Hope you're feeling in top shape very soon!

  4. This coat is fabulous. Not only is the sewing masterful, it is the superb matching job you did with this wonderful fabric. Thanks for sharing your life. I look to you each week to cheer me on and remind me that I CAN make my life what I want it to be.:)
