Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Something Sweet On Sunday/Nutella-Pecan Chocolate Cake with Nutella Frosting

There's something I am quite famous for...catching my stove on fire!!!! I am not exaggerating. As much as I love to cook, I have caught my stove on fire more times than I would like to admit. My favorite item to burn is pinenuts. I put them under the broiler to toast, start doing something else, turn around and they are on fire. As calm and cool as I am in most emergency situations, for some reason a stove fire sends me over the edge. I now have a fire extinguisher near by and I now toast my pinenuts on top of the stove in an iron skillet.
I now have a new item to add to my burning stove repertoire, cake batter. I found the recipe that I am sharing today and thought it sounded so good. Super sinful, but so good. So I decided to give it a try. Now to my benefit, the recipe says to bake the cake in a loaf pan or a 9" round pan, but only 1 pan. When I put the batter in the round pan, I thought it was an awful lot of batter, but what do I know? So in the oven it went. The cake was supposed to bake for 40 minutes, so off I went to do something else. I could smell the cake, but you're supposed to smell the cake when it's cooking, right? Believe it or not, my dog Gracie came and started barking and was quite excited. Just like a Lassie story, she turned and ran to the kitchen, so I followed and found cake batter burning in the stove. Not just smoking, but flames shooting up. The cake was ruined, but Gracie saved the day!
Now with all of that, you would think I might give up on the cake, but the bits and pieces that I could salvage from the first cake tasted so good, so I just had to give it another try.
I've been following Dust Jacket Attic, pretty much since I first started my own blog. She is just a great source of inspiration. Not only does she post some interesting fashion items, she also links to great recipes. And that's how I found this recipe for;

Nutella-Pecan Chocolate Cake with Nutella Frosting

Doesn't that cake look amazing?!! As long as you don't catch your stove on fire, it is!
Rather than me copying the recipe here, just pop over to THIS website and check it out. You won't be sorry. The cake is truly amazing.
Had I read to the end of the post, I would have seen that not only did she have enough batter for a loaf pan, she also made 12 muffins. Ohhh, now I know :)
So as you can see, the second time around, I divided the batter between 2, 9" round pans. I did a layer of icing in between the 2 layers and then iced the entire cake. 
Take note that the pecans are toasted. Mine were toasted in an iron skillet on top of the stove ;)
Enjoy the recipe and just be careful to not set your stove on fire!!!


  1. You're just so adorable... especially to call an oven a stove! I could your cake through the he screen!!!


    1. I still call my refrigerator the "ice box" too :) You would think I'm 100 years old ;)

  2. Back in about 1975, I brought home my first take home pizza and put it in the oven cardboard round and all. Well you know what happened.

  3. Oh no, glad you are okay. My Mum used to do that with toast all the time when I was at school. I got very adept with a wet tea towel. :) This cake looks delicious. Thank you for sharing the link. Xx

    1. So glad to know I' not the only one :) My husband bought the fire extinguisher just in case my fires get out of hand. So far, I haven't needed it. If you like chocolate, you'll love the care. It's really incredible. She also had a number of soup recipes that I am going to try.

  4. HA HA HA. I know the fire is not really funny, BUT since it ended OK, I just have to chuckle! In making Mexican rice once (using a recipe and following it as written) I caught the grease on fire. Ran for the extinguisher and made SUCH A MESS with it. But the fire was out. SHEESH! Way to go Gracie! Cake sounds to good--must try.

    1. Since it ended okay, it really is quite funny. I took the cake to a friend's house yesterday and told them that it came at quite a cost as I almost burned down the house! A true grease fire is an OMG!!!! situation in my book. Sorry about the mess, but glad you were able to get it out. BTW, the cake is super, everyone had a second slice last night.

  5. Glad you have your very own "Lassie". :-) That cake looks great!

    1. Gracie was a rescue dog. Now I am wondering who rescued who :) I'm so fortunate to have her. If your boys like chocolate, they will love this cake.

  6. Well done Gracie! Good dog!
    You aren't alone by a long shot. I had an egg poaching pan I managed to boil dry and set on fire when I picked out the little pods and dripped butter into the hot pan. I poach eggs properly now without pods!
    My sister was on first name terms with her local fire brigade after setting her chimney on fire several times. As far as I'm aware she's ok in the kitchen...

    1. Live these stories. I have kindred sisters all over the world!
      Gracie is truly a gift :)

  7. Yay, Gracie! Dog Wonder....that cake looks fabulous. I will have to try it. YUM!

    1. She really is my wonder dog. I rescued her, and now she rescues me :)

  8. When I was younger, I cooked up in Alaska for a bunch of geologists checking out an abandoned gold mine. My stove, which I bought in Sitka and saw it airlifted to the site had a new fangled toasting drawer under the oven. I was known far and wide for blackened toast. I never did get the hang of watching it. I don't think I ever got to the fire stage but it was definitely a close call all summer.

    1. Wow, what a fun experience! I've never been to Alaska, but it's in my list. Just tell people that blackened toast is an Alaskan delicacy ;)

  9. Feeling your pain Rhonda, I am infamous for my pine nut burning fetish. The whole family know it and yet do they ever take the pan off the stove when they smell the toasting turning to burning?

    1. Well, we are pine nut burning buddies ;)
      A suggestion, start serving the burned nuts. I bet they'll get the message!!! Be sure to have a small stash of perfectly roasted nuts for yourself :)
