Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Inspired LED Sewing Machine Light Kit/And The Winner Is....

Wow, the response to the Inspired LED Sewing Machine Lighting Kit was impressive!!! I wish I had 1 for all , but sadly, there's only 1 :(
Since what you are all waiting for is the announcement of who won...
The winner of the Inspired LED Sewing Machine Lighting Kit is...

Congratulations Kathryn Hoyman!!!!
Please email me at with your mailing information so I can pass it on to Inspired Lighting. 

For those of you who did not win, I wanted to give you a few links.
The Sewing Machine Lighting Kit sells for $30.00 on the Inspired Lighting site and you can find it HERE

I also found the kit on Amazon for $28.99 and you can find it HERE

If you do purchase the kit, I wanted to go over a few aspects of the kit.
The light strip is quite long and comes with an extra connector on the opposite end. Since there is an extra connector, and the leftover strip is quite long, you will be able to use it on a second machine. But you will need the spare parts. 
On THIS page, scroll down to where you see the Sewing Machine Expansion Kit. The expansion kit is $15.00. So it's like getting 2 kits for $45.00 vs. $60.00.
I hope this helps and I also hope that if you do purchase the light kit that you will find it as helpful as I have.

Before I go, I thought I would add a couple of unsolicited comments that were left on the original blog post that I did.

I have these lights on my sewing machine and love them. You might mention that the strip of lights you get is long enough for two machines. You can buy another kit so you can install the rest of the strip on your serger, too. (I'm not entering the giveaway, just wanted to comment.)

Just a quick note to tell everyone that I bought this light kit from Amazon last summer and I *love* it! I don't have good ambient light in my sewing area, but these LEDs light up the sewing field beautifully.

Thanks Ladies!   
One last thing and then I really will go. So many commented about the need for extra light. I found this so inspiring. Rather than quit, we just keep finding a better way to see.
Keep Sewing Everyone!!!


  1. Congrats. What a brilliant invention. I wish that they sold them in the UK. Xx

  2. Congrats.

    Amazon does have the strip w/the extra expansion kit for 42.99.

  3. Congrats Kathryn and Thank you Rhonda for having this awesome giveaway!

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! So happy for Kathryn. I think I need to order this kit so I'm glad that you posted the additional links. Another thanks to Debbie for the extra expansion kit for 42.99. My eyes will be happy.

  5. I learned about these lights on your blog, Rhonda, and because my eyes are 71 years old, I need more light. My husband says I don't need more lights in the sewing room, but I disagree. I just finished a mostly black printed man's shirt yesterday ten black buttons and buttonholes. Yup, I need more light so I just ordered the lights with expansion kit.
