Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday Night Reflections

It was one of those weeks when everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. To finish off the week, I had made an early morning appointment that required a 45 minute drive out of town. Once I arrived, no one was in the office. How could this be? After waiting around and knocking on the door, I finally looked at the email confirmation...the appointment was for the following Saturday!!! Perfect ending to a perfect week I thought through gritted teeth. So back in the car and off I went for the 45 minute drive back home. 
About half way into the drive, the car in front of me began going slower and slower. The speed limit was 65 mph, why was he going so slow? Then I caught a glimpse of the old truck in front of the car. The road was a 2 lane road and the traffic coming at us was heavy. The car in front of me had a chance to pass the old truck, but there was no other opportunity, so there I sat, stuck, along with the 20 cars behind me.
As I drove along, frustrated, I noticed that the man was totally oblivious to the line of cars behind him. He drove along, turning his head from one side to the other enjoying the scenery, and it seemed, just the act of driving. Then I noticed his dog happily sitting by his side. As the man would look from side to side, the dog did as well.  
I drove along, thinking of all that had happened that week and how upset I had been when someone had thoughtlessly taken advantage of my time. Then I realized that this person had no idea that I was upset. They had gone about their merry way. I was the only one that was allowing the situation to continue to affect my life. Then I looked at the truck in front of me and began to smile. Here was the same situation right in front of me. This man was enjoying his day, his drive. I was the only one who was upset. Well, me and the drivers of the 20 cars behind me! 
I had no where that I really needed to be, and even if I did, there was nothing I could do about the situation, so I might as well enjoy the ride. And that's exactly what I did. I changed my perspective, and suddenly what seemed like such a huge imposition was a source of joy. The man and his dog made me smile.
We came into town and the truck turned into the parking lot of the grocery store. I thought that this is probably a weekly occurrence. As I drove on my way, I had to laugh about how I was taught a lesson by an old man and his dog. Life is far too short to harbor angry feelings. It's better to slow down and enjoy the journey. And that journey can be all the better with a faithful companion by our side. 


  1. This is an absolutely wonderful story about a tiny, happy bit of the universe. Thank you. I'm going to go peek out the front window to see if any of the 5? feral cats I've been feeding this winter are there. I'm hoping to be able to do the trap and release thing as most of these youngsters are wary already, but one small gray tabby is quite brave and they all came around earlier as I was putting out more food, two even came up the steps. I think we will keep one/two of them.

    1. I once had a cat who had been feral, a sweet little guy whom I named Fuzzy Wuzzy :) I'm sure the cats appreciate that you have been so kind to them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Rhonda, this makes you see what "LIFE" really is truly about!

  4. Wonderful story ... That was a well worth trip just to remember to enjoy life and don't sweat the small things that we may can't control or change anyway :) Thanks for sharing ;)

  5. This is the *truth* -- if we can just learn to re-frame our situations we can begin to actually see and enjoy our surroundings and each other. And mostly that good old dog sitting next to us. ;-)

    1. the good old dog just makes it all the sweeter :)

  6. Yeah but, it sure is annoying when someone is completely oblivious to others around them. Rude really. But your changed attitude is best for your soul. Perhaps it was even a gift?

  7. Sometimes the journey is better than the destination.
