Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thrifty Thursday/Free Hooded Scarf Pattern

It's been quite a while since I've posted a free pattern review. 
If you've followed the blog for some time, you've heard me talk about how cold I can get. Bad for someone who loves the winter as much as I do. Thankfully I've learned to dress for the cold. But I'm always on the lookout for something that will keep me warm and be fashionable.
I came across a free pattern for a hooded scarf from Leni Pepunkt. What I especially like about the pattern is the shape of the hood and the attached scarf. It's curved so it really flows nicely around the neck.
The scarf is intended to wrap around the neck and then tie at center front.  
Just like how I'm wearing it. I have it a little away from my face, but you can actually bring it up around the face if you like. 
Another nice aspect is that if you're out hiking and your head gets a little too warm, just pull the hood back for a little fresh air.
The pattern comes in an adult size as well as a child's size, so perfect for the family.
I made my hooded scarf out of a piece of low pile faux fur and I lined it with a piece of  coordinating wool. So the hooded scarf is actually reversible. 
She instructs you to use a piece of ribbon to tie the scarf. I cut a strip of my wool and pinked the edges. Before I sewed it into the scarf, I did 2 rows of stitching just inside the picked edge to give it a little more stability. I think I may make some faux fur pompoms for the ends of my ties like I did HERE.
You can find the free pattern HERE. Just click on Freebook to download the pattern and instructions. She has a number of other free patterns that you might want to take a look at as well. 
One last note, the instructions are not in English and I was not able to translate them. It really isn't a problem as she has plenty of pictures to walk you through the process of making the hooded scarf. I used a 1/4" seam allowance for all of my seams. There are really only 2, a center seam on the hood and the seam that goes around the scarf. 
We have had unseasonably warm weather the last few days, I have not officially worn my new scarf. But the temperatures are supposed to drop over the next few days and I can't wait to give it a trial run! 


  1. You look SO cute in the hood. That's a very practical pattern .. thanks for posting. I can see a couple of Christmas gift... ;)


  2. Thanks for posting the pattern. If there is a problem with the language, I can translate, just let me know.
    Siebensachen (Germany)

  3. Replies
    1. I thought so too :)
      Would like to make another in maybe some denim and flannel.

  4. I absolutely love this. Definitely going to give this a go. Think that we will need it for this winter. Thanks for sharing this fab pattern. Xx

  5. That looks to be a great pattern! Perfect for windy, icy, Norwegian winter days. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I think so too. I'm making another out of denim and cotton flannel. The faux fur is a little "fancy" for hikes in the woods ;) The denim and flannel will also be a little lighter as this hood and scarf is a layer of wool and a layer of faux fur.

  6. Thanks for this! I'm going to give it a try.

  7. Hi! this worked great, - I used frog closures instead of ribbon and I love the way it turned out.
