Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Wednesday Showcase

Happy Wednesday!!!
This morning I read a blog post that sent me back to some rather sweet memories. ElleGeeMakes  posted a cute little corduroy shirt dress that she recently completed.
With the cooler temperatures, my mind went directly back to my favorite childhood outfit. I had a little cashmere sweater and a pair of orange corduroy pants that I literally lived in throughout the fall and winter. It was a daily fight with my mother as that was all I ever wanted to wear. The pants were so soft, as was the sweater. I felt like I was wearing a hug. The outfit was worn until the pants were thread bare and the sweater was full of holes. What a sad, sad day it was when my beloved outfit was thrown in the garbage.   
Now that I think about it, I have a lovely piece of soft orange corduroy that just might have to become a new pair of pants!!

Enough with the reminiscing, let's get onto The Wednesday Showcase!
First up is Angela of She lives in Bath, UK and she has only been blogging and, believe it or not, sewing for just a very short time. But, she's addicted!!! She is a true inspiration. Just check out her matched plaids!!
I love this top. What a great top for gardening. It's Simplicity 1080. 
You must scroll through her blog and check out her bags. Lots of bag inspiration and she's even made a bag for her knitting.
And finally, Angela has a  wonderful sense of humor and I thought that many of you would relate to this picture. It's all about the woes of using a tripod to take pictures. Check out those matched stripes!!! 
If this is what happens in a year, I can't wait to see what Angela does in the future!!! 

Next up is Rebecca of . What a lovely and talented lady. Not only is she a seamstress, she's a designer and a natural dye artisan. She has a wonderful link on her blog that will direct you to lots of information on natural dying and you can find it HERE
Rebecca made this beautiful top and inserted the Rouleau stitching. Be sure to scroll through her blog and take a closer look. She was inspired by an article in Threads and I think she did an amazing job.
She designed this swim top based on one that she loved. Since the fabric has a busy pattern, it's a little difficult to see the design lines, but look closely and you'll see it's a great design. I want one!!!
Now this is a great idea, shorts from recycled tee shirts.   
Rebecca also has a few freebies on her blog, like the adorable little swimsuit below for little girls.
And she didn't forget the big girls.There are 2 super fun coloring pages that she offers as a free download.  
What a lot of  great inspiration! Aren't Wednesdays wonderful? :)


  1. Glad my corduroy dress reminded you of such a great memory. Can't wait to see what you do with your piece of lovely orange corduroy! So many great makes and new blogs to check out here - - Thanks for the inspiration...

    1. I think I need to create a pair of just soft corduroy pants, maybe a boyfriend type pant. I was such a tomboy as a little girl :)

  2. What a beautiful dress. The colour is so rich. No wonder corduroy (and velvet) were considered regal fabrics. Thank you for sharing these amazing blogs and for sharing the lovely story about your favourite childhood outfit. How wonderful to describe something "like wearing a hug". :) Xx

    1. It was truly one of my favorite childhood memories. When that outfit was thrown away, it felt like a funeral :(

  3. Thanks for the showcase... love Elle's stripe shirt photo.. priceless. Great idea using a t-shirt for shorts.

    1. I know!! I have to see about getting some resale shop t-shirts.

  4. Hi Rhonda - just discovered myself on your Wednesday Showcase ... thank you so much :) xx
