Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Life Changing Magic, The Winner

Good Morning All!!
In case you missed the post, last Friday I talked about the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's a very motivational read. I encourage you to go back and take a look at some of the comments that were left on last Friday's post. Some were very thought provoking, and I especially appreciate the heartfelt honesty that some of you shared.
 The winner of my book is I Say Sew.
Congratulations!! Please email me at with your address so I can get the book out to you.


  1. I have just read through the comments of your last post and I agreed with so many of them. Being the child of parents who lived through the depression, it was ingrained into us not to be wasteful. And because of those 4 words, I am a keeper of all things that might be useful one day. On the weekend, I started on my wardrobe and have a huge pile of clothes and shoes which I am going to take to a hostel for disabled adults who struggle to be clothed. I am sure I will feel better for doing this and then I will start on my fabric stash. Thank-you to you and your followers for the welcome inspiration to declutter.
