Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Wednesday Showcase

Good Morning All!, and a very Happy Wednesday to you :) I had my first 6 month eye check up yesterday afternoon and I am very happy to report that there has been no growth or thickening of the moles on my retina, so no detection of cancer, all in all, a great report!!! So I am feeling especially happy today!
Today's featured bloggers truly make me smile. Both are embracing and enjoying their lives and their passions. I especially like what inspired the title of Lori's blog,
A life of pleasure makes even the strongest mind frivolous at last. 
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
As I scrolled through Lori's blog, I quickly realized that she is a very talented and creative person. Of course she sews and makes just the cutest pieces, like this super fun dress. 
 Love this dress that she made for her birthday. I need to go back and read through this post and see if she mentions anything about the piece of artwork in the background. Love that piece!
She said that this outfit was all party on one side and all artsy on the other, a lot like her, as you'll see in an upcoming picture.
 Lori is a very accomplished knitter. Scroll through her blog and you'll see other amazing pieces.
 Not only does she sew and knit beautiful pieces, but look at this amazing ring that she made. Now you see, all artsy on the other side!!!
It was an absolute delight to scroll through Lori's blog. As I said, she makes beautiful clothes, takes amazing pictures, is so very creative and she has a lovely heart. 

Our next blogger has been following my blog FOREVER!!!! Such a lovely lady, Miss Dorothy Dot Dot. Don't you just love that name?!!! She says,
"I am a retired educator, wife, mother of two, and a grandmother of four. Most of my time is spent sewing, knitting, reading,crocheting, cooking, and practicing piano. What a great way to pass the time. My mother was a seamstress and taught me the trade. I'm still practicing and trying to improve through viewing internet videos, blogs, and reading my mother's sewing books."
Dorothy's blog is named appropriately, In each and every picture, you can see Dorothy's joy on her face :)
Now, this outfit is super cute, but if you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know I love a picture of a girl and her dog! Dorothy, give us a better picture of the dog!!!!
 There's a shrug jacket that goes with this skirt, but I chose this picture as I just love the skirt. Scroll through her blog and you'll find the entire outfit.
 Dorothy made this jacket for breast cancer awareness month. What a lovely tribute.
I just had to include this picture. Look at that lovely mane of hair! Dorothy does share some of her styling tips, so check it out.
And finally, Dorothy and I have something in common, actually many things, but in regards of this picture, we both love hats and Dorothy wears them oh so well. As you scroll through her blog, you'll find lovely suits paired with the most beautiful hats. And then there's that lovely smile that accompanies each and every picture.
I hope you'll take a little time to check out Lori and Dorothy's blogs. I know you'll enjoy getting to know them.

Before I go, I thought I would include a picture of my own. I am taking an art class on Tuesday mornings. When I was diagnosed with the moles on my retina and told that they could possibly develop into cancer, like many of us who are shaken by an unexpected prognosis, I realized that time is of the essence and that it's important to make time for things that bring us joy. 
My piece is a work in progress, just like me ;)
Have a joyous day!


  1. Beautiful artwork (yours), and you presented some great bloggers! What a happy post!

    1. :), thanks Mimi. It's a very happy day indeed!

  2. Oh, Rhonda, what a wonderful surprise to see this! I am honoured and humbled by your lovely comments. Thank you so much! :D xo

    1. My pleasure!!
      Tell me, did you do the artwork you are standing in front of? It's a great piece. I haven't had a chance to go back and see if you mentioned in your blog post.

    2. I bought that artwork at an art show at the Queen Street Mental Health Centre (now CAMH) here in Toronto many years ago. All I know about the artist is that her name is Margaret (she didn't sign it). I fell in love with it the minute I saw it. I was with my husband and I asked him what he thought of it...he said he didn't like it much and I said well I'm terribly sorry, because I think I'm going to have to buy that! lol. It didn't take him long to grow to love it.

    3. Well, now you have proof that it's a great piece with me picking it out of a picture :)

  3. Great news about your eye test!

  4. Best news of the day--your good news eye exam!! Art classes sound like lots of fun--remember us little people when you become famous! ;)

    1. I was in a very tense state leading up to the appointment. Now I have 6 months to relax :)
      I'm really enjoying my art class. I have 2 other pieces that I'm working on that are just as quirky as they can be ;)

  5. I'm so happy to read the news on your eye exam! I hope you're celebrating. Thanks for sharing that news with us as you were in my thoughts. So happy for you.

    1. Thanks Graca! Knowing that I'm being remembered is such a gift :)

  6. I'm glad all is so far well with your eye.

  7. Wonderful to hear that you got a good report from your eye check up!! Keep us posted on your art work! Your work in progress looks great!

    1. Thanks, it was great news :)
      I have 2 other pieces that I'm working on. All are part of a story. I'll do updates from time to time. I'm really having a blast with them.

  8. Fun bloggers!
    Great news about your eye test, and I'm glad to see you taking art classes. What a joy it must be. I've recently rediscovered art and am looking for a class also.

    1. I hope you do find a class that will work for you. Finding a good fit between the teacher and the student is important. It really is a joy.

  9. Wednesday is my favorite with the new bloggers. I don't know how you find them. I enjoy checking them out so much.
    And I am SO HAPPY to hear the good report. I have prayed for one.
    Hugs, Joy

    1. Thank you so much Joy!! I so appreciate good thoughts and prayers.

  10. This was SUCH a fun post today!!!


  11. So happy for you and so much to be thankful for!
