Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Decades of Style Arches Skirt Sew Along Week 2

The second week of the Decades of Style Arches Skirt sew along is up on the Sew News blog. You can find the post HERE. This week is all about underlining, pattern marking, and how to match up the front of the skirt and obtain that flawless center point.
For the blog post, I added a little something more. I found this lovely piece of piping that works perfectly with my fabric.
 In the post, I show you how to add the piping to the arch,
 and then obtain that perfect center point.
 A preview of my new skirt! I am in love with this skirt!!!
I've included the video here for you to take a look at. In the video, I talk quite a bit about the underlining and marking of the pattern and I also show you how to lay the pieces together to create the front of the skirt. Take note that I didn't have the piping when I did the video. The piping really makes the front of the skirt pop.

I'm so happy that I found the piping as it really gives the front of the skirt that special touch that it needed. So as you think about putting your skirt together, you may want to think about adding a special trim or piping and accenting the interesting arch detail on the skirt.
Happy Sewing!!!


  1. Even tho I'm not able to do the sew along at this time - I love your tips & love,love,love the piping .
    Great inspiration- thx

    1. I'm so happy that you're able to pick up a few tips. That's always a great thing!!

  2. Love your black/white fabric; it reminds me of a city skyline. I agree - the piping is perfect for this fabric/skirt.

    1. Believe it or not, the fabric is actually navy and white. I loved it when I first saw it. Had intended to make a pair of pants, but it popped out at me for this project.

    2. UMM, Navy/white -- even better!

    3. :), especially since I have a pair of shoes to wear with it!!

  3. Thank you so much for these videos your teaching and tips are great! I look forward every morning to visiting your blog, you encourage me and inspire me to try new things. Love the piping! Blessings.

    1. JeriLynn,
      You have made my day!! It makes me feel so good to know that I am able to inspire and encourage :)

  4. You are right, the pipping really makes your skirt "pop". I am not sewing along this time, but I am enjoying watching your videos and learning a few tips.

  5. Your skirt looks fabulous! I was not quite loving the pattern after seeing the cover design, but yours is a whole other matter :)

  6. As usual I am away from home and away from my sewing equipment, but I am following along with this blog and your videos, which I love. I hope just following online counts as an avid viewer/follower. I did purchase the pattern, and it will be one of my first "summer" projects when I return home. Love it.
