Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The 2014 Wednesday Showcase Hall of Fame

Good Morning from America Everyone!!! I hope your Wednesday is off to a wonderful start. For some of you, you are well into your day, so I hope it's been a very good day. A little thought on having a good day. A few days ago. I fed my dog Little Bit and as I was sitting the bowl down, she jumped off the chair and tipped over the bowl, food all over the place. Then we were off to church and the priest that resided over the service seems to feel the need to make everyone feel rather bad about their lives. Then he did a good portion of the service in Latin. Being a convert, the Latin makes no sense to me, so not well received on my part. As my husband and I sat down to breakfast a little later, he laughed and said, "you're having a bad day." I quickly came back and said, "no, no, I'm having a GREAT day!" We can choose to focus on the normal daily occurrences that just go wrong and the people around us that have an agenda, or we can rise above and just smile and say, "regardless of it all, I'm having a great day." Believe me, there are days when what comes at me just seems to be too much, and I slip into a day long pity party, maybe even a few days pity party. Hey, we're all human :) I have found though that when I take a stand and say no, it's going to be a great day, something great always happens.
As I put together this post, I was amazed by how my life has been so richly touched by a number of the ladies whose blogs I have showcased. Most of you I will never meet, but a number of you I know in my heart and I think that's a good second best. I could do a commentary on each and every blogger whom I've showcased this past year, but  rather than my commentary, I hope that you will take a little time to go and discover their blogs and the lovely ladies behind them. Like me, you just might be surprised and find a new friend, or maybe 2 or 3!!
So here they are, the Wednesday Showcase Ladies  of 2014!
Gillian of
Meigan of

Virginia of

Lisa of
Tee of
Christine Marie Davis of

PiChuan Lin of

Gaye of

Mary Glen of

Graca of

Leslie of

Digs of

Sara of

Ana Rios of

Laura of

Tany of

Diane of

Fooniks of

Ghainsom of

Bruna of

Marina of

MaciNic of

Claire of
Dolly Clackett Emery
Debbie of

Lil of

Helen of
Tamara of

Suzanne of
Pat of

Kait of
Susan Khalje
Flowered Swiss lace and pink silk gazar.
Mel of

Sandra of

Angela of

Etta of

Margo of

Ann of

Sue of

Mrs. Smith of

Marta of

Mags of

Vicki of

Chesneykat of

Julia of

Sue of

Kelly of

What an incredible line up!, but then, it always is.
Have a wonderful day, night or whatever it may be where you are :)


  1. Thank you for making us all feel better about our lives, Rhonda! I enjoy your blog so much and the Wednesday showcase is so encouraging to see all those people enjoying sewing.

  2. Wow-so many great bloggers--some I follow already, some are new to me. Thanks for introducing these bloggers.

  3. What a great list! I look forward to investigating them more in depth.

  4. I LOVE this! I always find a new blog to follow!

  5. Rhonda, thanks for compiling this great list! I can't wait to check out all these new-to-me blogs. :)

  6. So you are human? I agree that if you decide you are going to have a great day then you generally do :).

  7. OMG, I don't know how I missed my Wednesday showcase, Rhonda!!! Thank you so much, I am deeply honored to be featured by one of my favorite bloggers!! Also thank you for sharing all these AMAZING women's work, I've had the chance of meeting old friends and gain some new ones too!!!

  8. So many great blogs!!! You are awesome Rhonda!

  9. Great thoughts on how to move out of a pity party session.

    What a lot of blogs you have found - it's going to take me days to visit all these - thank you for such a comprehensive list.

  10. Thanks for sharing these ladies with us all. Some have been sewing friends for a long time. Others I am just getting to know but all are wonderful because they know our love of sewing, something that brings us all together.

  11. Even better than seeing your designs is their interpretation by others. Bravo!

  12. Fantastic lineup! So inspirational!

  13. Thank you Rhonda for taking the time to write these fantastic posts.
    I am off to my sewing room now so I will
    Have a wonderful day indeed.. Have a great day too 😄

  14. What an honor to featured on your Wonderful Wednesday Showcase along with these other fantastic ladies! Thank you for having us!!

  15. SO many people. So much inspiration!

  16. You have the absolute best ways of thinking about life. That is so true. Plus positivity is infectious. :) Feeling really touched to be featured alongside a group of such talented ladies. Thanks for sharing this again. I never fail to be amazed and inspired by all the fabulous Bloggers you have featured. Xx
