Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

OOTD/A Patchwork Party

We've been melting in Chicago today, 100% humidity and temps above 90 degrees. Now, I know, I really shouldn't complain as I know that for some of you, this would be a cooler day, but for us, it's hot! My hair is limp, my strap is about to fall off my shoulder and my necklace is crooked. Such a pretty sight ;) Oh well, I tried!
Anyway....I made this dress some time ago. It's one that I so enjoy wearing during the summer as it takes minimal effort to look nice. Very minimal effort!!! Unless it's really hot and I completely fall apart from the heat of the day!
Five different fabrics were used to create the patchwork skirt. The hem of the skirt is anchored with two fabrics, but three bands.
I used two fabrics for the midriff. They were folded into strips and then woven together.
The bodice is also done in patchwork squares, but much smaller than the squares that I made for the skirt.
The straps were made with three narrow strips of fabric that were braided together.
This was one of those projects that you do just for the love of doing it. I'm sure you have one in your closet too :) 


  1. What a lovely dress! Beautiful details in the patchwork, the weaving and he braiding! Thanks for sharing the detail. Looks like something I might try for granddaughters!

    1. Thanks Judy :) I bet they would love it! Lucky girls!!

  2. Rhonda it is a work of art. Absolutely beautiful!

  3. It does look nice - yes, we have very humid weather here were I live (east coast of NSW) and you really only have minimal energy to get dressed in that sort of weather - so I like your solution :)

    1. I live in dresses during the summer. Nothing else is quite as easy or comfortable, at least for me.

  4. Rhonda I really love this little dress and you are too hard on yourself - you look wonderful as normal :-)

    1. Thanks, but I did have to laugh a little when I saw the picture, especially the crooked necklace ;)

  5. don't have any project in my closet...done or undone...that begins to compare to that dress! The braided midriff is beautiful, the large and small patchwork and the cohesiveness of the prints and!!!

    1. Thanks Judi, but I've seen your work. You have an amazing closet of beautifully made pieces :)

  6. Wow, what a gorgeous dress! And patchwork too. Here I thought I was doing great making a quilt and now you made a patchwork dress. With weaving and braiding. How awesome is that?!

    1. Alexandra, your quilts are AMAZING!!!!

    2. Thank you! I like them too but they're kinda hard to wear with heels :-)

    3. You are too funny :)
      The last quilt that you made for your husband is so special, but my favorite is the black, white and green one that you made a while back.

  7. Wow, I can't believe the amount of work that went into the patch-work, weaving and braided straps! It is a beautiful dress and colo[u]rs and prints work so well together. And yes, you are a pretty sight in the best way possible. Good for you to be out there enjoying the summer despite the humidity and heat.

  8. So pretty. You are amazing. What ever happened to our pattern drafting class?

  9. Lovely dress. Clever designing. Now I have a use for quilt squares & Fat Quarters since I quit quilting.

  10. What a gorgeous dress! Love the braiding & weaving & patchwork.

  11. I never would have put those fabrics together, but look at how lovely it turned out! You inspire me,Rhonda, to break out a little bit. I hope you enjoy wearing this lovely dress.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I really do enjoy the dress. Keepsake Quilting puts out a catalog with some very interesting fabric combinations. You can find them online at

  12. This patchwork dress is a show stopper, Rhonda! Love your blog, love your creativity!!!

  13. I love the weaving idea, thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  14. What a beautiful dress Rhonda - I don't have anything that would compare. Like you I am wilting in heat I am not used to but you look much better turned out than I! Hope you are more comfortable soon.

  15. So stunning! I can testify, you do hot weather well. You are the one that I have met that I can truly say glistens when everyone around is sweating. Your details are impeccable.
