Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Mary Bridge Pillowcase Project

The new issue of Sew News arrived yesterday and to my surprise.... 
there was a lovely piece written about the Mary Bridge Pillowcase Project that so many of you, so very generously contributed to last year. If you are new to the blog and would like to read about it, here's a link to all the posts that were done last year, There were a lot of posts as I documented all the pillowcases that were donated!!!  
A friend of mine donated his time and fuel to fly over and do the aerial photography for the project. I hung the first 100 donated pillowcases, then 450, and the picture below represents the final collection. Amazing!
Sew News is participating in a wonderful project called Conkerr Cancer. Much like the Mary Bridge Project, they are asking that you make a handmade pillowcase. There are regional drop off sites, so no mailing :) You can find the information here, with links to all the drop off sites in every state.
The Mary Bridge Project was one of the best experiences of my life. Just remember...

When sleeping women wake, 
Mountains move!  

Who would have thought that mountains could be moved with a sewing machine?!!! 


  1. What a sweet caring,kind and thoughtful heart!

  2. Oh how very lovely. You so deserve this! God Bless you!
