Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, May 30, 2014

Sew Liberated, The Final Chapter and Announcing The Next Sew Along

If you drop by most days, then you know I'm a little behind. Actually, Sew News had technical issues with the blog this week(we all know that story all too well), so the final post for the Sew Liberated Clara Dress did not get up until yesterday. I decided to change things up a bit for the sew along and offer a little something more to the Clara Dress by adding ruffles. Here is my completed dress. It's just perfect for summer! My husband nor I noticed the plastic bag on the ground until we took a look at the pictures. Sorry about that. 
If you would like to take a look at the last installment for the Clara Dress Sew Along, you can find it here, You will see pictures of all 3 dresses I made.
You can also take a look at the video here,

Now for the next sew along! The upcoming sew along will begin the week of June 23rd with the Summer Breeze Top from Hot Patterns.

This is a lovely top for summer. The design offers lots of possibilities that I will share with you, like color blocking and even making it into a dress with some fun and frilly details.
So how better to announce a new sew along than to have a little give away?!!!
If you would like to win a copy of the June/July issue of Sew News, just leave a message on this post. I'll announce the winner on Monday, June 2, 2014.
Here's a sneak peek at the top I made and the article.
I think you will really enjoy making this top. If you would like to get a jump on things, you can order your pattern here,


  1. Umm. I thought I commented here, but I must have clicked over to buy the top pattern before I hit publish! Rhonda, it is a wonderful dress, and just sensational on you. Count me in on the sew-along for the top, but I'm going to add sleeves to mine.

    1. Now you really have me thinking about a sleeve that would work well with this top. I will do my best not to disappoint you :)

  2. Thanks for letting me know that you want to add sleeves to the top. I'll add some tips in my blog post for adding sleeves.

    1. Great! There are so many sleeveless tops that many of us older women just can't wear and be comfortable. Threads ran an article last year, but the examples were just pathetic in my opinion.

  3. looking forward to a copy of sew-news !!

  4. Lovely dress! And if you hadn't mentioned the plastic bag I am sure I would not have noticed! Cute HP top(s).

  5. Hi Rhonda,
    I love all three versions of your Clare dress. Yes, they are perfect for summer. Thank you so much for sharing your design and sewing skills.

  6. Looks like just my style! I love sleeveless!

  7. Living in florida, I love the sleeveless design! Can't wait.

  8. Rhonda, that dress is one of the prettiest Clara's I have seen.

    1. Oh Sarah, what a lovely compliment. Thank you :)

  9. All 3 of your dresses are lovely.

  10. Your dress turned out lovely. It will definitely be perfect for hot summer days. Of course I would love to win a copy of Sew News, so add me to the list.

  11. That is a very nice dress and I agree it is perfect for summer. I'd love to receive a copy of Sew News, so please count me in.

  12. I just thoroughly enjoy following you. Thank you for the inspiration and motivation.

  13. That hem ruffle is wonderful and so perfect with the entire look. It gives great balance to the design. Sign me up for the give away.

  14. Can't wait to join in the sew along.

  15. Can't wait to join the sew along.

  16. What a pretty dress. It looks so cool and elegant for summer. I like the Hot Patterns top. I bought a few patterns years ago when they were not long started up but have STILL not got round to sewing them yet.

  17. That dress looks fabulous. The ruffles around the collar and the sleeves are a nice touch.
    I have been looking for a pattern like the Hot Pattern's one so I might have to try it. I tried one of their patterns several years back and I wasn't impressed with the drafting or the fit, I hope this one is better. I just ordered several pieces of silk which would perfectly here, so I might have to jump in on this sew along.

  18. I tend to cover up my upper arms, but this summer have decided to work on the flab. Sleeveless here I come! Thanks for sharing!

  19. such a pretty dress, perfect for summer.

  20. I love the dress and your fabric choice. Very pretty. I have been eyeing that top pattern for quite some time, but have never made a Hot Pattern before even though I have a few in my stash. I'll have to think about it. Thank you for sharing.

  21. I have seen the cover of this new issue of SewNews and want to make that tote bag on the cover.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. The dress is beautiful. I like the ruffles you added.
