Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

For those of you who do not celebrate Easter, Happy Sunday and I hope you are having a lovely day! 
I promised a few pictures of me in my  new outfit, and here they are.  They aren't the best, we just couldn't seem to find the right light, but at least you can get an idea of what the outfit looks like on me.
I received some very nice compliments on the outfit. Especially nice when the compliments come from strangers! 
I was asked to take a picture of the back. A direct picture of the back doesn't show much. From the side you can see the underneath portion of the jacket.
My husband caught this picture of me and said that I should include it. It's not a very good picture, but to appease him, here it is. Knit Machine Queen once did a post about the perils of trying to get her husband to take a decent picture. As I read her post, my sides were splitting!!! I think I need to get a tripod and relinquish my husband from his job as master photographer. I think he'll be very happy to give up the job!!!!  
Once again, I hope you are having a lovely day. Miracle of miracles, we are actually having a beautiful day here in Chicago! Such a gift :)


  1. This is a great outfit and I LOVE your shoes. Lovely Spring colours to wash out the drab. Happy Sunday. X

    1. Thanks so much! I bought the shoes quite a while ago and didn't wear them at all for maybe 2 years. Then suddenly, the right outfits started popping up !

  2. That really is lovely. Such good colours on you and such a unique style - perfect Easter outfit.

  3. Happy Easter to you too - love the outfit.

  4. Love your photos. I have a top similar in design and I hadn't thought of wearing a belt with it until I saw your post.

  5. Love your photos. I have a top of similar design and hadn't thought of wearing it with a belt until I saw your post.

  6. Your outfit is fabulous and the shoe are dynamite!

  7. Oh, wow. You may not have had great lighting for photos, but I think you look fabulous. Jacket so unusual and so stylish. And those shoes. You certainly nailed this outfit. Happy Easter! We, too, have had a beautiful day, and the bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush are just gorgeous--just a lovely all around day.

    1. The bluebonnets had just started to come out when I was there 3 weeks ago. I bet it is just beautiful right now.

  8. What a gorgeous and unique outfit. I love it and the colours are fresh and pretty together.

  9. Looks lovely on you. Happy Easter.

  10. I LOVE the pic your hubby snapped! And your SHOES!!! All so very pretty. Thanks for showing us.
    Hugs, Joy

  11. This outfit looks spectacular on you! And your photographer does pretty good work, too.

    1. :) I will be happy to pass on the compliment to the photographer! Thanks Dixie.

  12. It really is a pretty outfit - and the photo's look good too - your DH does a lovely job - only a little bit of foot cut off in the first picture :)

  13. Beautiful. I love these gorgeous colours together.

  14. You look wonderful
    Thank you soooooooooooooo much for being part of Share-in-Style.

    1. Thank you! I think the world of Rosy, so I was very happy that I had an outfit that would fit with the post.
