Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

We Can All Be A Bombshell!

This picture was posted on Facebook a few days ago and I thought I would share it. For me, it really is the truth. I started sewing because I needed clothes to wear. It would have been a very sad situation if I had not learned to sew. When I was in high school, you could take four years of sewing classes, but one year was mandatory. Really, mandatory!! Now it's rarely even offered as a class. So I've seen sewing go from being a mandatory class in high school, to completely falling out of favor, to being a sought after passion by so many young women today, and I am so very happy!!!     
One young woman that has a passion for sewing and making beautiful and fun things to wear is Heather Lou of Last year she released the Bombshell Swimsuit pattern.
I was rather intrigued by the pattern so I decided to get one for myself. It's another pattern that I call instant gratification since all I have to do is punch purchase and then punch print. I think I've become addicted to PDF patterns. I love them, really, I do. Think about it, I don't have to get in the car, go to the fabric store only to be disappointed because the pattern I want is not there.Nor do I have to wait for them to arrive in the mail. For me it's such a stress free process and that's always a good thing! Yes, I have to tape them together, but I can print the pattern and have it together in a lot less time than it takes to go to the store.
I bought the pattern because I really needed a new swimsuit and I didn't feel like shopping for one. From the reviews I read about the swimsuit, I felt that this would be a safe bet.
Since I've never made the suit before, I used a piece of spandex  that I've had for quite a while. I thought it would make a good wearable muslin, and it did!
 A view of the back.
One design detail that I especially liked was how the under stay attached to the front of the suit. Heather says in her instructions that the steps may be a little confusing, but as long as you follow each of her steps it really isn't.
 Here you can see what the under stay looks like. It's basically just a typical bathing suit style.
The only thing that I did not care for was how the strap was attached. It's zigzagged to the top of the bust cup area. Not a big deal by no means, just my personal taste. I will be making another in better fabric and I want to see about sandwiching the strap between the lining and the outer fabric. I would also like to have bra cups in my suit.
The bathing suit season is quickly approaching. If you need or just would like a new suit, I highly recommend the Bombshell Swimsuit pattern. It goes together very quickly and the pattern is well thought out. Once you get one made, you too can be bombshell!!! You can purchase your own pattern here,
Go get in the water and have some fun!!!


  1. oh that is one cute swimsuit! I have watched it explode in popularity, for very good reason. Maybe I'll try one for summer.

    And yes, I sewed when it wasn't cool, too. The only thing different now is that I no longer crawl on the floor to pin and cut!

    1. Hey Robin! Isn't it wonderful that our perseverance has paid off?!!
      I have conviently forgotten about those crawling around on the floor days ;)

  2. I was forced to take a semester of sewing while in junior high school. That was over 35 years ago. It was there that I found my love of creating garments. Recently I have encouraged my oldest daughter who is 24 to begin to sew and she has found her passion for creating as well. She always has a project or two going. She said she gets weird looks and comments when she mentions sewing. But after seeing her latest creation she is proudly wearing they all seem to want to try it out as well.

    1. I applaud you for getting your daughter to sew. And now she is passing it on to her friends. Just so wonderful!

  3. Oof, I'm still crawling on the floor and the knees on my jeans show it! I plan to make this suit for the summer as soon as I find some fabric! I can't wait to have something that is stylish but still appropriate for a 40-something mom!

    1. You are one 40 something mom who could wear anything she wants!! This is such a wonderful suit. I think you'll enjoy it. It gives you the coverage you would like and yet is just gorgeous on.

  4. Oh Rhonda, no modelling? Funny I was just looking at this swimsuit a few minutes ago - you've used genuine bombshell fabric too. Off to watch the British Sewing Bee - now that's a measure of popularity, when a hobby becomes a TV show.

    1. I want to make another suit and add some bra cups. I'll model the next one.
      I am just so happy to see the explosion of interest in sewing.

  5. It has been fun to watch sewing become popular again - for so many years people were either amazed that I sewed or wondered why I wasted my time. That fabric is perfect for that swimsuit! I have an animal print suit I purchased a decade ago that I still bring when I go on vacation.

    1. I think that swimsuits allow us the opportunity to release our inner wild woman!!
      Of us that perservered through the lean years of sewing deserve a pat on the back :)

  6. Perfect fabric for a bombshell suit! And we all know you will be a knockout in it.

    I sewed when it wasn't cool either. While I didn't crawl on the floor, I cut many a pattern out on my bed!

    1. Thanks Bunny :)
      I am so happy to be at a point in my life that I can have a proper sewing studio. I think you will agree!

  7. I am really drawn to this swimsuit. Love the print and the rouching would hide all..nay most...of my figure faults.

  8. This is a very cute pattern. And I love a instant PDF too!

    1. I know a lot of people who are kicking and screaming, resisting the PDF road, but I see it as such a wonderful thing.

  9. I am another sewer from before it was cool - with the knees to prove it! I can't imagine not being able to sew now.
    Your swimsuit is fabulous and since I have signed up to the RTW fast this year I may try it myself later in the year. Assuming the UK gets any weather worth wearing a cozzy in :)

    1. Just think, because we sew, we have friends all over the world. Sewing brings us together like no other hobby.
      I read the book, The Shell Seekers some years ago. She talks about going to the beach in England and how cold it was. I hope you get at least a few warm beach days in.

  10. Love your swimsuit and I can't believe that I am coveting one when I just don't like swimming! I also had the compulsory sewing for 1 year and then didn't take it as an elective as I didn't want to draft. Thankfully that didn't sop me from sewing!

    1. Hey, you don't have to get in the water, you can just be a bombshell sitting poolside, sipping a lovely cocktail!!!
