Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thrifty Thursday

Since I missed so many posts last week, I thought I would do a catch up with this one. It's the free panty pattern from Cloth Habit. Talk about a fun and easy project!! And what a great way to use up small bits of knit scraps. In short, I'm having a panty party!!
As you can see, I did not make mine out of a pretty lace, just scrap pieces of knit fabrics.
The panties are called boy shorts as they fit around the leg and rest on the hips. I especially like the coverage that they give over my round bum. BTW, I will not be modeling these in public!!! So don't ask for a fashion show. Not that you would want to see me in these anyway ;)
Rather than use a stretch lace for the hip band and the leg bands, I used a 1" wide fold over elastic. I found the elastic readily available at my local fabric chain store. Worked like a charm. All I did was fold it over the edge and zigzag in place. The elastic is especially soft against the skin.
 The back seam of the crotch panel is concealed.
The instructions say to leave the front piece of the crotch panel raw or serge it. I decided to turn it under about 1/8" and use a very small zigzag stitch to keep it in place. I like this a lot better than leaving it raw or even a serged edge.
If you think you would like to use up some scraps and have a panty party of your own, you can find the pattern here, This is a very easy PDF pattern to download as it is only 2 sheets of paper. The pattern does include seam allowances, but you will need to trace off a portion of the pattern as the front and back or overlapped. You could also print 2 and save a little time.  
I have so enjoyed all the posts that I've seen by so many who are diving into the bra and panty making pool. Now that I've stuck my toes into the water, I'm diving in too!  Now that I've made my first couple of pair, I'm ready to make some in lace or whatever I can get my hands on. What's better than having a pair of panties that fit perfectly?!!! I'm sure you'll see a post in the very near future with a pile of brand new panties! Believe me, I need them :)


  1. Lovely! Making panties is so much fun. But is this really the Rosy Ladyshorts pattern? I thought those had a seam at centre front and back.

    1. Hi Hilde, yes, this is the rosy lady shorts pattern. The center front and back is cut on the fold, so no center front or center back seams. Only side seams.

    2. The Rosy Ladyshorts are definitely a front and back seamed panty. Also, the pattern is more than 2 pieces of paper. I just made the Rosy Ladyshorts and the back (bum) coverage is very skimpy and I was looking for a pattern that has better coverage. I clicked your underwear picture in a search because they looked like a completely different pattern. So if you remember what pattern they are, I'd love to know. Maybe this one?

    3. Hi Catherine,
      The pattern I used for the panties is the Rosy Ladyshortts pattern. I cut my front and back on the fold. I will go back and look at the pattern just to make sure. I have not tried the panties that you linked to, but will give it a try.

  2. These look nice. I keep collecting panty patterns. I really should make some since I keep losing weight and my current ones are not fitting well any more. Have you seen the price for panties?!?

    1. Yes I have!! Making a pair or pairs for cents on the dollar makes all the sense in the world to me :)

  3. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for posting this. I will try this pattern. My bag of knit scraps is pretty full now. A few years ago I started making panties, but wouldn't dare post them. Maybe I'll post.

    1. You should. We need all the inspiration we can get!

  4. These are gorgeous Rhonda. I may have to join you all in the undies pool - pretty undies are not cheap.

    1. Do jump in! Ready made panties are expensive, but the do it yourself variety are, well, let's just say it makes my Scottish heritage so happy ;) Thrifty, thrifty!!!

  5. Too cool....I too have a large scrap bag, that I can go shopping in and make some nice knickers. I think that woud be a great sew along Rhonda for inspiration and fun!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Barbara :) I'm looking forward to making many more!

  7. Love your spiffy underwear. Inspiring and thrifty for sure.

  8. Thanks! To be honest, I was a little skeptical about how I would like them. I am so happy and now I can have a new underwear wardrobe for pennies on the dollar!!

  9. Whats the best fabric to use as i always just buy 100% cotton pants normally. XX

    1. As long as it's a cotton knit, you should be fine. Just keep in mind that a cotton knit with a little spandex will hold up better and help to keep the panty from stretching out.
