Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, March 7, 2014

Thrifty Thursday

Yes, I know that it isn't Thursday. It has not been a very happy few days. When I opened my computer on Tuesday, it locked up, just froze. So it's off to the repair shop because of course, I have no earthly idea what is wrong with it. My laptop didn't have Word for writing documents. Everyone had said that it wasn't an issue to download and install. Great. So my husband purchased it and I tried to install it Wednesday night. No luck. The laptop took a ride to the computer store and rather than going into a lengthy explanation, I lost everything on the computer and that resulted in me having a meltdown, truly. At least I have saved some things to Dropbox. Now it's just a matter of figuring out how to get back into my account. In conclusion, I now have a brand new laptop. Computers, such a love hate relationship. I saw a piece on the news a few days ago about aggression in the work place. A hidden camera caught one man taking a bat to a computer, I can relate!
Time to just move on and I do have something very sweet and nice to share with you although I am a day late.
It's the Polly Top from By Hand London. I was initially attracted to the pattern, well, first of all because it is free, but I really liked the idea that it had been drafted for woven fabrics. Being able to wear a cool and comfortable little cotton top in the summer is always a plus in my book. If you have followed my blog for some time, you know that I don't make a lot of muslins, unless I'm using a very expensive piece of fabric. I measure the pattern and decide the size that will be best and then it is cut and go. I typically don't have a lot of fitting issues and if I do, it's usually because it's a poorly drafted pattern. I was very pleased with this pattern.
At first I thought that the center style lines were only style lines, but once I saw the pattern pieces I realized that the fit for the bust had been incorporated into this area. I laid the top flat so you could see that it doesn't just lay flat against the table. This little design feature gives a very nice fit over the bust.
The back is just a flat piece cut on the fold. It felt and looked a little too boxy on my, so I added darts. I'm rather small across my lower back so this made a very nice difference in how the top hangs on my body. Doesn't the top have a lovely neckline? So pretty for the summer.
Here you can see the darts on the inside of the top. If you feel a little apprehensive about adding darts, I would suggest adding a center back seam to the pattern. A center back seam is almost always a good thing and gives you one more seam for fitting changes.  
I plan to make a number of these tops for summer. The fit is good and the top is a snap to sew up. This pattern could easily be lengthened and turned into an easy to wear summer dress. Based on my experience with this pattern, I would not hesitate to purchase a pattern from By Hand London. You can find the Polly Top pattern here, You will need to create an account, but I think that is only fair. Once you create an account, the pattern will be sent to your email address where you can then download it.
I will post a picture of me in the top later today. I'll look a lot better once I see my hairdresser this afternoon!!!
Wishing you a lovely and computer problem free day!!


  1. This looks really neat. I just downloaded it. I have a lot of odd pieces of fabric that would good combined in something like this. Thanks.

    1. Hey Miss Kitty,
      I meant to say something about using scraps, especially if you have a little larger piece. The plaid that used was a scrap and it worked out so well for the bias trim.

  2. Cute, so cute! I'm definitely going to try this one. Thanks for taking the time to make and share! Re: your computer. So, so sorry. I have Carbonite on my computer; it's an offsite backup (I think there are several out there to choose from; we just chose this one a few years ago) of files only. I love having it. No more lost files even if the computer crashes, and when it's time to buy a new computer, it will bring all your files into your new computer. It's saved many tears in this house. We've had to use it twice, once on DH's computer and on my laptop. Like you, with computers, it's a love/hate thing! I hope everything gets worked out very soon and you are back in business!

  3. I think you'll enjoy this pattern for those almost unbearable Texas summers. The style will look great on you too. Thanks for the suggestion of Carbonite. I've heard advertisements for it. I lost articles that I had almost finished. Oh well, live and learn.

  4. Lovely little top! Sorry to hear about your computer issues. I had meltdown this week too and it was related to technology too. At work we have changed to all electronic work paper system and now I stare at two screens all day and the software has too many glitches. I am seriously looking at a career change (or retirement).

    1. Well if retirement is an option, you would at least have a little more time to sew and create. So sorry to hear that work is so stressful.

  5. Lovely top!

    My condolences on your technology issues. I do a weekly backup with a portable hard drive (like WP Passport). So, if there is a crash, you have a copies of your programs and docs as of each week.

    Enjoy the warm weekend!

  6. Very adorable...kinda of vintage look to it. Will have to download....and THANK YOU for sharing!!!

    Sorry to hear about your tech problems....electronics gotta love them....and can't live with out them.

  7. I can TOTALLY relate! I just went through the same thing. I realized this morning that I lost all my Itunes and downloaded music on this computer. Thank goodness, Itunes remembers what I had! I have an external hard drive that is the shape and size of a thick black book. I back all my stuff up to it periodically. It just stays connected to my desk top, but it doesn't have to.
    So sorry! You are right. Love/hate relationship. My husband spends 100's of hours every year fixing all of our home and business computers himself.

    Hugs, Joy

  8. I think its a cute design - and yours is wonderful - but maybe not so much for someone as busty as I am. I'll have to find someone I know who can wear it so I can sew it up. And yikes on that computer! I have a fear that one day mine will crash like that and I've been a bit haphazard about backups.

    1. Take a look at the pattern, it can be adjusted for a larger bust.
      Oh please take a lesson from me and get your work backed up. You'll be so happy that you did.

  9. Give me a sewing machine anyday! I love the communication aspects of computers, but there are some aspects that scare me. Glad you are back on the air - don't we all become so emotionally dependant on the things???

    1. At least a non computerized sewing machine!!! Computers give us a lot of freedom, like being able to work from home, and yet it's like they also have us by the throat when they don't work. My husband had to do some fast talking when I just completely fell apart, like, this isn't the end of the world. No, not the end of the world, but it did create a lot more work for me. Oh well. In time it will all be a distant memory and a lesson learned :)
