Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday's Soup

Happy Sunday Everyone, at least everywhere that it is still Sunday!
As I have shared in the past, I love beans, all sorts of beans. They are rich in nutrients and can help to add a little protein to your diet. I used the Scarlet Runner Bean in my soup that I made today. If you have never cooked with them, and you like beans, I highly recommend giving them a try. They grow on a lovely vine that blossoms with the most beautiful red flowers.     
The beans are a deep rich red, almost black and they are about the size of a large lima bean. They have a richer, more meaty taste though than the lima bean.
This is a soup that I like to make when I just want a feeling of home, nothing fancy, just hearty and good. I call this soup,
Comfort Soup At It's Best                 
The ingredients;
1 12 oz. package of Scarlet Runner Beans
1 bunch of kale, stem removed and greens chopped
1 poblano  pepper, seeded and chopped, or a green bell pepper if you prefer
3 small turnips chopped
1 8 oz. package of mushrooms sliced, white or portabella is fine
1 large purple onion chopped
1 cup of wild rice
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 28 oz. can of fire roasted diced tomatoes and 2 cans of water
2 bay leaves
salt and black pepper to taste
Soak beans over night. Place all ingredients in a slow cooker and cook all day. Done!!!! How's that for easy instructions!
*If you would like a non vegetarian version, remove the skins on 1/2 pound of Italian sausage. Brown in a skillet and add to soup mixture. Allow sausage to cook along with all ingredients.    
I just love the colors! The blackness of the beans looks wonderful against all the vibrant colors of the vegetables. A soup that is good for the soul as well as the body!


  1. Looks yummy, but I would definitely want some meat in it. You must be a vegetarian.

    Hugs, Joy

  2. This sounds fabulous, Rhonda. Thanks so much. I look forward to trying this out.

  3. Sounds (and looks) wonderful. I must try this if I can find the beans in these here parts. Can't say that I've heard of them before.

  4. Looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe!
