Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Morning Inspiration

It's a beautiful day here in Chicago. The cardinals are singing their little hearts out and that makes my heart happy too!
In the spirit of just having a little fun, I thought I would do something a little over the top and call this post, Fashion Overdone. Actually, when fashion, art, creativity in general is pushed, it can inspire the most wonderful ideas. So yes, most of us would never wear many of these things just as they are, but I hope you'll have fun taking a look and maybe they will spur a idea of your own.
 Although this is way too much for my taste, I would love to be able to see this jacket in person. Are the bows tacked on, or are they a part of the design lines?
 Big buttons and a big band. Rather fun!
 I see you!!! And from every angle :)
 Interesting cuff design
 Love the collar on this coat.
 Geometric shapes on a sheer ground. Interesting.
The hobo look. Great cuffs and I'm intrigued with the wrap. It looks as though it is a coat wrapped around the waist, but look at the huge pockets.
 Is it a bow, or is it a collar? Who cares, it's pretty!
Love the high low jacket.
  A different take on trim.
Lots of layers, but pretty.
 Look closely at the pants. They have a huge pleat that will give them the look of a skirt.
 I love a billowy sleeve.
A little more gingham. Not as pretty as some of the other pieces I've found, but I do like the mix of the sizes and the addition of the red.
Yes, I know this looks like an afghan, but to me it somehow works 
 Mixing prints and stripes.
I have to give this a try. It's just a piece of fabric draped around the body. The trick is figuring out how to do the drape so that it works!
 For all you biker jacket loving chicks out there. Fabulous trim.
I saw this scarf and I immediately thought of ripping some wool strips and zigzagging them together. Might be fun.
 A little graffiti like, but fun
And finally, a little too sheer, but wouldn't this be fun to wear to  a musical event!

So that's that my little dog and pony show for today!
Wishing you all a lovely week and I hope you find something to make your heart happy as well!


  1. Fabulous! Thanks so much Rhonda. My fave, hands down, is the lovely lavender dress. It really harks back to the thirties but the color makes it modern. I'd wear it in a heartbeat, just need a place to go! After that it is the blue embroidered biker jacket. That I'd wear too. And the musical skirt is lovely. Looking closely there appears the tulle underneath is layers to give an ombre affect, very clever and pretty.

    1. I'm really liking that biker jacket myself. I just may have to put it in my ever growing to do cue ;)!

  2. Well, I'm a sucker for a bow, and there are lots tucked away in this set of images. The jacket may be a bit OTT, but lots of ideas in that for incorporating a bow somewhere in a tailored jacket - sort of an interesting juxtaposition of feminine and masculine looks.

    1. Yes, the jacket really is OTT, but it has some many wonderful ideas within it. Did you notice the feeling of a kimono in the jacket as well?

  3. I love the lilac dress and the graffiti biker jacket too. Though I have a rag rug that looks a little like the wool scarf from a distance, but it does look fun. Thank for your inspirational pics.

  4. Ah, the art of overstatement! Love them all, but can't see myself wearing many.
