Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday Morning Inspiration

I am a saver and I especially enjoy saving pictures of things that inspire me. I have notebooks full of pictures and computer files that I so enjoy clicking on. It's a little bit eye candy and a little bit like taking an inspirational trip for the mind as well as the soul. Today I am sharing a few of the pictures from one of my saved computer files, and trust me, these are just a few of what I have saved, but some of my favorites. 
Such a beautiful neckline on this dress.   
The manipulation of this lace makes for such a beautiful dress. Sexy too :)
Love this skirt. I've intended to do it for a while, hopefully I can get to it once I get caught up on the projects I am so behind on.
Check this out, a pair of skinny pants with a back skirt. Really nice.
Beautiful sleeve.
Another interesting sleeve.
The dress is quite impressive as well. I wish I could remember where I saw this piece originally.
Fabulous beadwork. Reminds me of the jacket that Margy made here,
Very impressive piecework.
Lost in a swirl!!
Lovely back detail on this jacket.
Great re-interpretative of the circular skirt.
Hope you've been a bit inspired too!
Have a wonderful week.


  1. You have such an eye for great details. Lots of inspiration for sure.

  2. Oh, that brown floral and cream dress is beautiful. Hope you don't mind but i have "saved" the images too.

  3. That last skirt just took my breath away. Thanks so much Rhonda.

    1. it is beautiful. I want to do one this spring.

  4. Rhonda you should so try to recreate the 6th outfit listed. The linen looking bottom and woven top. That is stunning!!! Wow! Those sleeves are amazing!!

  5. Rhonda you should so try to recreated the 6th picture you listed! That is so beautiful and the Sleeves are amazing!!! Is the bottom part in a linen? Beautiful!

    1. Isn't that a beautiful dress?!! I would imagine that the lower portion of the dress is silk. I need to get a few ufo's completed first, but that would be a fun project. Stay tuned!!!

  6. Love the black lace dress and the skirt is just so clever!

    1. That black lace dress is beautiful. I wouldn't mind having it in my wardrobe :)

  7. Love this skirt photo caption refers. Are you going to work up a pattern for this? I adore the style.
