Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The 2013 Wednesday Showcase Hall of Fame

I had hoped to get this post out last week on January 1st, but my little godson and his family were here for our annual New Year's get together. With three boys in the house, you can imagine just how busy it was. Busy, but enjoyable as well, so a good start to the new year.
As most of you know, I typically do a special post on Wednesdays called The Wednesday Showcase. I so appreciate all of you who take the time to punch that little follow button, or follow via bloglovin'. Actually, I just appreciate that you follow by whatever means!! In order to give just a little something back, I choose two followers almost every week and showcase their blog. Before we move on to the new year, I wanted to do a round up of all the delightful blogs that were showcased this past year.
The year started off with Stacie of She's a true inspiration as she ran her fist ever half marathon this past year!! Way to go Stacie. , Robin, a gifted sewist and such a wonderful person. And cute too!!! This is my absolute favorite picture of Kay. Everything she makes is perfection. Debbie lives in Edinburgh, Scotland and loves vintage designs. Always an inspiration. Victoria is a Georgia girl on a sewing mission.  I'm sure you can quickly guess why I love this picture of Juliet so much :) Cute dress too!! What a lucky little girl to have a mom like Katie!!! Pauline got married this past year and shared the journey of making her entire wedding party's wardrobe!!! Talk about stress!!! Doesn't she look lovely?!! Emily makes the loveliest dresses for her daughters and goes to great lengths to achieve the perfect fit for herself. Personally, I think she has done an incredible job! Janee is a professional seamstress who loves to share her knowledge. Also known as SueV. Not only does she makes some great pieces for herself, but she teaches young girls to sew. My hero!! She says that her blog is an account of her tears, fears and successes. Thankfully, she has lots of successes!! Fun tutorials always with a modern twist.
I had the pleasure of meeting the next four ladies in Puyallup, Washington last March when we competed for a chance to be on the program Sew It All. They are all an absolute delight! The title of her blog is perfect as everything she makes is constructed so well that no one would ever believe it wasn't bought at a high end boutique. I always look forward to seeing her newest project. Oh, this girl is mad, but in such a fun way. Every Friday she makes something new out of the pieces she finds at the resale shop for only 49 cents. Full of energy and her posts are always so much fun! Gail is such a delight and her fearlessness about sewing has produced a to die for wardrobe.. Such a sweetheart and very determined. She actually whipped up these slippers while she was sick! I want a pair!! Lots of fun ideas. This is a tote for your iron and once unfolded, it becomes a pressing mat. I am truly enjoying watching this young woman as she works her way through design school. Just think, I'll be able to say, "I new her before she became famous!!" Boundless energy. She has rallied so many to join her "Make A Garment A Month" group. Nothing better than rallying the troops and get them sewing!!! She spent a year in Paris and created these little "dresses," one each day. You must take a look at them. From Spain and just so delightful. She's wearing one of Paco's skirts. So cute! If you would like to hear some of the horrors of working with brides, please check out this blog. She will have you in stitches ;) Literally!!! Beautiful garments with beautiful details. A fellow Texan! She's a constant inspiration for me. Miss TwoToast. Such a lovely lady. She actually made her wedding gown. Absolutely beautiful. She says that she'll sew anything and everything that she possibly can and she does!!! There are two sisters behind this blog. They have not posted for a while, but I'm hoping that we'll hear from them again soon. I just love their style! Another lucky little girl that has a mother who sews!! Jenny and I met a number of years ago. Another fearless sewest who is such a delight. She made this French jacket in one of Susan Khaljie's classes. You should see it in person. I love her style!!! Isn't that one incredible jacket?!! Passion says it all. Just take one look at this coat and you have to agree!! If I remember correctly, this was a gift for her daughter. Lucky girl!! She finds challenging styles and demystifies them for us. A country girl with downtown girl style! Beautiful patterns cut on the bias. A new pattern line with 3 patterns in the box!!! There is a picture on her blog of this coat thrown across a boardroom table. You should see the lining. By the way, she sings too! Alexandra makes beautiful clothes, but I just had to share this picture of her lovely quilt. Another who loves clothes cut on the bias. Not only does this lovely lady sew, she is an accomplished knitter as well. Bonnie is delightful. She called this her Barney, as in Barney the purple dinosaur, coat. Barney can only wish for Bonnie's great sense of style. An incredible artist. I just love her dolls. This very talented lady makes the sweetest stuffed animals. Each a work of art. Perfection says it all. Beautiful first communion and baptismal gowns. Another with boundless energy and never afraid to give something new a try. Sewing, crafts, cooking, she does it all. I have truly enjoyed getting to know Farhana through her blog. She's an American from Maryland living in Saudi Arabia. She is determined to learn pattern making and in my opinion, she is well on her way. From Germany, a beautiful sense of style. Beverley is such a lovely lady. She has taken on the challenge of not buying any ready to wear clothes for the next year. I see that she has also signed on for Jungle January. I can't wait to see her creation! Hannah lives just outside of Liverpool, England. She is so cute and is in love with sewing. Her blog title says it all, sewing, serging, crafting!!! I don't know how she does it, with a house full of children she manages to not only create lovely clothes, but exquisite embroidery as well. Take one look at her smile and you will know this lovely lady. She always seems to find joy in everything she does. Not only does she sew, she also makes beautiful jewelry. I guess it's not fair to just show a bra, but look at this bra!!! It's fabulous! And she has made others that are equally fabulous! I met Kristine this past September when we both competed in the Passion For Fashion contest in Novi, Michigan. A fun and determined lady. Jane is bursting with creativity. She loves to sew and is a fellow dog lover :) A very early follower of my blog, she lives in Turkey and has a to die for sense of style.
What an incredible year and an incredible showcase of talent. I have truly enjoyed getting to know all of you through your blogs.
If by chance you have not checked out some of the blogs, please do so as I know you will find each and every one as wonderful as I do.
On to the new year!!!


  1. Because of this marvelous post I've discovered some new sewing blogs to follow. Thank you!


  2. THANK YOU for all of those places for me to go look at. Some of the ones I have as "regular" blogs, hardly ever post anything. I need some new ones. GREAT sewing! Keeps me motivated.
    Hugs, Joy

    1. Motivation is what it's all about!! So happy that I had the chance to "meet" you this year Joy!

  3. Thanks for sharing these. I know some but not nearly as many as I thought. This planet is bursting with sewing artists!

    1. It is wonderful to see all the talent! Hopefully, the more we encourage, more will jump on the sewing bandwagon!!!

  4. Wow - what a year of not only great sewing from you but great introductions. I am always looking for good blogs to follow so thank you for this review.

  5. And we are all extra glad we got to met you, Rhonda! Thanks for this incredible list of talent ~ lets sew our way through 2014 ... J

    1. Thanks Judith :) Here's to the power of the sewing community!!!

  6. You have to stop doing this! I want 2014 to be the year I sew, not spend all day on the computer seeing what others have sewn….sigh. I'll bookmark this post for when the sewing mojo is low. Off now to the machine...

    1. I can'tee wait to see what comes out of your sewing studio. So glad your mojo is back. You can read anytime!!!

  7. Rhonda, so much effort has gone into this compendium - it's amazing. Thank you so much for doing this - it's lovely to meet other people who sew and blog. I'd also like to thank you for your words of kindness and encouragement. You are always gracious.

  8. Rhonda, thanks for the nod for my blog (and for introducing me to some new sewing "sisters." I hope you know how much I appreciate all the time you give to all of us thru sharing all your wonderful patterns, inspiration, and encouragement. I've been meaning to let you know that I have made several of the polar fleece hats (I think you referred to them as ski hats) that have been delivered to the cancer treatment center in Dallas as part of my community service work. From the feedback I've received, they have been a real hit! Thank you!

    1. I am so happy to hear that some of those little hats are going to such a great cause. Makes my day!

  9. Thanks for including Studio Faro in this fab list. Love to connect with others that love sewing. Wishing you a fabulous 2014. :)

  10. Hi Rhonda! This is a fine set of really talented ladies. Thanks!

  11. Thanks for including me, Rhonda! I love these posts - I've discovered so many great blogs through them!

  12. I'm humbled and giddy to be included in such a talented and creative group. Thanks, Rhonda!

  13. What a great list of blogs and bloggers!

  14. What a great list of blogs and bloggers!

  15. Rhonda, you are so sweet! :) Thanks for including me. I'm humbled.
    I can't wait to check out all of these amazing blogs you featured!
    Have a great day! :)

  16. Lovely! I was scrolling through, smiling at the lovely ladies that I 'know' already, adding more link to my blog roll . . . . . and then I saw me!!! I am honoured to mentioned alongside so much talent!


    ~ twotoast ~

  17. What a great showcase! So many talented sewers and a bunch I need to visit and learn about. Thanks for taking the time to do this! I'm also appreciative to have made the list. You are too gracious! I wish you a wonderful sewing year!!!

    1. Thanks Victoria. I really enjoy doing these posts.
