Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, December 23, 2013

December Birthday Celebration...The Final Day

Good Morning Everyone and welcome to the final day of the December celebration!
Our first winner is...
Congratulations Carole!!! Carole blogs at She dances, makes the cutest tennis outfits and is an all around very energetic, on the go kind of a gal!!!
Now on to the final illustrations.
The above piece is a little over the top. That's a LOT of ruffles and gathers!    
The piece below is all out femininity, a flirty circular skit, cinched waist and a little flared peplum. Lovely.

And the final winner is ....
Polda Pop, a.k.a. Lisa, blogs at She's the mom of two precious little girls and has an over the top passion for sewing. Congratulations Lisa!!!!
Please be sure to email your addresses to me so I can get your packages in the mail,
I will leave the December Celebration posts up for the next week, but then I will delete them. As I said, they take up space that can be better used for a tutorial, I hope anyway! So if there are any of the pictures that you would like to save for inspiration, please download them.
So, that's it. Seems a bit sad to have it all said and done. At the close of the year, and especially around my birthday, I always enjoy doing something a little special. Crazy me, I've already begun to think about next year. The fact that I've already begun to fret a bit about what I could possibly do next year is a good lesson for me on letting go and just allowing things to happen. I am finding more and more that when I step back and just allow the universe, divine intervention, or whatever you would like to call it, to take over, magical things happen. So, I'm letting go and putting my order in for a little magic for next December!!!
The true magic though is the daily gift I receive from so many of you. Your comments and emails are always a delight, but the fact that you give up a few moments of your day and spend them with me is the best gift I could receive.
Thank you.


  1. Hi Rhonda, I also have a december birthday and it is tomorrow!
    Merry Christmas and congratulations for your wonderful blog,


    1. HI Esther,
      Wishing you a lovely birthday!!! And a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks Rhonda - your December birthday celebration has been such fun!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Thank you Rhonda! It is no effort to come and visit you, it is always a pleasure. Merry Christmas!

  4. Just popping over to wish you a Merry Xmas Rhonda :)

    1. Thanks Sarah! Merry Christmas and wishes for an incredible New Year!

  5. Yay!!! For some reason my blog reader (bloglovin') has stopped sending me email updates and I can't figure out how to fix it. I missed this post (and a whole raft of other posts - I thought it was strange that everyone was taking an extended leave of absence from their blogs!!) and the first I knew of my win was when the pictures showed up in my mailbox! Thank you, Rhonda - once I get frames my sewing room will start to look a bit more stylish.
