Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, December 13, 2013

December Birthday Celebration Day 12

First of all, thank you so much for all of the lovely birthday wishes. I appreciated them more than you know. This birthday was a bit difficult. I had been in for a procedure with an oral surgeon on Tuesday and I had a follow up procedure with my dentist yesterday. I had such a hard time. About midway through, I burst into tears. Some of the tears were for the pain and some were just because I felt sorry for myself. I told my dentist that it was my birthday and this did not make it a happy day in the least. I think they felt sorry for me as I was sent home with a card and a gift certificate to Starbucks. Hey, maybe I should cry a little more often ;) There was a nice light at the end of the tunnel though. He had thought that I would have to go in for even more surgery, but he said that everything went so well yesterday so he thinks the next step won't be necessary. GREAT NEWS!!! Not that you want to hear my medical history, but I would just like to add that although this has been a 30 year process and yes, the tumor wreaked havoc on my face and mouth, I have been so fortunate to have excellent care all along the way. If I can pass along one thing, please see your dentist for at least a yearly check up. I'm here today because I went in for what I thought would be a normal routine check up.
Okay, on to something a little more fun!
We have a winner and it is Rosy of!! WooHoo!! Congratulations Rosy. The illustrations I posted yesterday are going on a journey all the way to the Canary Islands. My very first exchange student actually lives on the same island as Rosy. It is such a small world. So please send me your address Rosy so I can get your little package out to you.

Now for today. As I said recently, I absolutely love to pair stripes with prints.
I must have picked this up from Mr. Ungaro because of course I was taught that stripes and prints don't work together. One thing that I have learned is that whatever you thought didn't work, well, it just may. Give it a try!
I feel like a broken record (remember those!!!), but I would like for everyone to have a chance at winning, so if you haven't thrown your name in the box yet, here's how you can have a chance to win and help me celebrate my birthday all month long :)
1. You must be a follower of the blog through some vehicle be it my little follower box, bloglovin, feedly or some other reader. Just let me know how you follow.
2. Leave a comment on this post. You only need to leave one comment. Once you leave a comment, you will not have to continue to leave comments as your name will stay in the box until you win. Once you win, your name will be removed.
3. Be sure to check back each day to see if you have won. If you do win, please email me at with your address so I can get your prize in the mail. I will give you 3 days to respond. If at that time I have not heard from you, I will draw a new name.

I just mailed off all the current winners yesterday, so your packages should arrive soon. Keep an eye out for them.
I'll be back a little later today with the post that I had intended to do yesterday for the Master Sewing and Design Certification program. 


  1. Several years ago I had to have a wisdom tooth removed on my birthday. I had split it during the night in my sleep. At first it seemed as if I needed a root canal but since I had split it so deeply, the tooth had to go. (Can we say I don't deal with stress well?) This was totally unexpected and really ruined my birthday spirit, so I can empathize with your situation. But things have been fine since. Happier birthday next year.

    1. I am planning something truly fabulous for next year. I told my husband that I am claiming that my 30 year oddessey with my mouth and jaw is over. Fingers crossed :)

  2. Happy Birthday, a day late. Sorry I missed telling you yesterday but I was not online long enough to read all my posts. I agree - spending a birthday week with the dentist does not sound like fun but it does seem you got good news, and a gift certificate for Starbucks. Could you enjoy it after the dentist? I enjoyed your post for yesterday - nice to share it with one of Our Lady's special days.

  3. YAY! I'm so happy that I am the winner! Thank you, thank you! I will write you an email with my address ... now it's two in the morning here ... I need sleep or I will fall unconscious. Lot of kisses, dear Rhonda!

  4. Good news that your mouth is hopefully all fixed! Happy birthday - let the celebrations last all week (at least)!

  5. Sorry for your troubles, Rhonda, but I'm glad you are still here! Ignore the calendar. Celebrate your birthday when you feel like it. Woman's perogative
