Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Morning Inspiration

Good Morning! and welcome to a new week. 
As I've shared in the past, I love going to museum fashion exhibits whenever I can. Some years ago now, the Jacqueline Kennedy exhibit came to Chicago. It was magnificent. The clothes are very understated, but for the most part, still very wearable. One thing I learned is that she did not wear a lot of black, at least during the period of time when her husband was president, but she did wear quite a bit of red which I found interesting. She did understand how to use color to her advantage. Another aspect that I noticed as I went through the catalog, was how the clothes truly came to life once they were on her body. What seems like a basic dress became exquisite once she had it on. 
The book is still available here on Amazon. If you are a fan of clothing from the early 1960's, Jacqueline Kennedy, or just lovely, understated clothing, this is a great resource. The paperback version is less than $20.00, so not bad.

 The little basic dress underneath.
 I have a houndstooth suit from the 60's that is quite similar to this. Still such a lovely style.

 She also seemed to enjoy having an interesting back detail. This dress is lovely.

 Another lovely back detail.

Sadly, this dress is only photographed from the back in this book. This was in the exhibit and I absolutely loved it. It became a very popular style during the sixties to have an interior bra as part of the dress.


 I especially enjoyed seeing this detail. Attention was paid to covering the zipper.
A lovely look into the clothing of a woman who became a fashion icon.
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Sigh. It doesn't get any better than this!

    1. Don't you just love the matching coats and dresses. Swoon!

  2. Beautiful, classy, elegant. I vaguely remember the early sixties but I do remember the clothes. Jackie's style was understated couture. The details, simple lines, and the fabrics are timeless.

  3. I love the pinks and reds that she wore. You are right, she really knew how to work the color palatte to her advantage. She really set the standard for piose and presence.

  4. You are SO RIGHT. She brought the simple styles to life. She was lovely. Thanks for showing all of that to us!
    Hugs, Joy

  5. Jackie's style was pure classic. She brought style to the White House!

  6. Not only beautiful colours, but beautiful fabrics too - it looks like a lot of the garments are made from silk. All the garments also look "quality"made - there is nowhere to hide with plain garments - the sewing has to be good. Thank you for sharing this excerpt with us.

  7. She was one of a kind. Just perfectly lovely.

  8. Jackie Kennedy deserved her status as a style icon. These designs are timeless - the epitome of the elegant simplicity I aspire to, but never quite achieve.

  9. I love all those clothes. I would wear every one of them. I love the simplicity and the clean lines and the interesting backs!

    1. They really are pretty. So glad you enjoyed the post :)
