Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Even Dad Jumps In!

Today's Mary Bridge Children's Hospital pillowcase post is a little late in coming. Earlier this summer, I received a call from a fellow Haute Couture member, Cleo. She said that she would like to host a pillowcase party and she thought she would be able to get about 50 made. Well, she made 56!! Now here's the deal, I thought that she and a group of friends were getting together, but no, she invited young women who are 13, 14 and 15 years old to come and make pillowcases. She thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to teach them how to sew. Well, she said that they did get the basics, almost drove her crazy in the process, but she is now reaping the reward. Each of those young women went home filled with excitement and talked their mothers into buying them a machine. Cleo is now teaching each of them to not just make pillowcases, but their own clothes. Isn't that wonderful?!!
Since I only have one line up at them moment, I wasn't able to get all 56 pillowcases in one pictures, so here's the first batch and to my surprise, my dog Gracie is in the corner of the picture :).
Cleo said that she had the fabric cut and ready to go. When the girls arrived, they were able to pick and choose, using their own creativity to put the  cases together.

 Isn't this a great print/
 And here's the second batch.
 We have a big storm coming in tonight, so it's a bit windy, but I like to see the cases move with the wind.

 More great prints, but there is one little surprise,
and it's this pillowcase. The father of one one of the girls also got caught up in the excitement and made a case!!!!!!! Isn't that wonderful?!! Thankfully Cleo had some manly fabric :)
Thank you Cleo for your incredible efforts. So many wonderful things came out a of a pillowcase party.
In case you are wondering, this does not change our numbers as I included Cleo's cases in the count, so we still stand at 767 pillowcases. I know that two other Haute Couture members have made cases. One has made 30 and another has made 6. So those two donations will put us just over 800. We still need just shy of 100 to meet the goal of 900 pillowcases. If you would like to donate, here is a link to the simplified instructions, and if you would like to read more about the project, here is a link to all of the posts that have been done to date,
This will be the last pillowcase post for a few days anyway as I have completely caught up with posting all that have been donated. You should see the pile in my guest room!!! Good thing I'm not expecting guests for a while :)
Thank you so much for your generosity,


  1. What an awesome thing for her to do to help young girls get a love for sewing and help out the hospital at the same time. I wish I had thought of that.

  2. I would like to join in a round of applause for Cleo. What a tremendous amount of work she did to make this happen! And then to teach the next generation -- yay!!!
