Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Think I Need An Intervention!!

A few months ago I received an email from about a sale they were having. I saw this great piece of cotton/lycra with a snakeskin print, just couldn't resist, so I ordered some. As it turned out, they didn't have enough in stock, but had it on order and they said that they would send it once they had it back in stock. Well, in the meantime, I completely forgot about. Then last week I received an email saying that an order had been shipped and would arrive on September 4th. For the life of me, I couldn't remember what it could be, then it arrived...."ohhhh, now I remember." Isn't it pretty?!!
I promptly took the fabric down to my studio where on my cutting table were remnants of a number of my recent projects. Here are a few pictures of the fabric. See if you see a theme.
 I used this for a Sew News article.
 The two pieces pictured above were used for a Sew Stylish article.
 The fleece was used for another Sew News article.
This is the Summercrisp skirt I made for Disparate Disciplines earlier this summer.
And once again, another Sew News article.
I think I have a problem!!! At least the Dandelion Dress was a complete departure, but given a chance, I gravitate to this color of blue like a moth to a flame.
Look at what I bought while on vacation.
Well....I can say one thing, I'm predictable:) At least there are a mix of colors in this little lot.
The pieces are just lovely, all hand woven. I found them in a little knit shop in a lovely little town, Damariscotta, Maine. The owner, Elaine, is absolutely delightful. When I walked into the shop, she asked me, "Are you a hooker?" It was very obvious what she meant(to me anyway)as she had her hooked rug creations on the walls, but I told her that she needed to be careful about asking a person that question!!
For those of you who have been following the tutorials on the drafting of the Zebra Dress, I will be finishing up the tutorials next week starting on Tuesday.
You may remember that I said I would be doing the new version in denim. Yes, I know it's blue!! At least it isn't Barbie Blue....this time:). I had asked for ideas on what to do the bustier out of. I completely forgot that I had this piece of gold leather tucked away. I don't think there is enough to do the entire bustier out of the leather, but I'll make it work somehow. One person had the idea to do the bustier out of the denim. I'm thinking that I may do a reversible bustier. We'll see. In the meantime, I will do my best to stay away from Barbie Blue!! Are any of you like me and gravitate to the same color all the time?


  1. How funny! I just got done shopping on, then came to your blog to see what you were up to. I just love their site and the fabric mart site for a shop in PA. I also like that blue, but I have been swamped in plums lately. It's a bit of a problem though because I need to make a cocktail dress to wear to my cousin's wedding next month and her bridesmaids are wearing plum, so I can't! Thankfully I found a brown on brown snakeskin print. I'll make a clutch in plum to carry with it. lol

    1. I am so happy that I am not alone!!! I think the problem is that when you look good in a certain color, you naturally gravitate to that color and all shades of it as well.
      I think you can get away with a plum bag. It's easy enough to hide if you need to ;) Enjoy the wedding!

  2. I tend to go for teals and this year am trying very hard to stay away from teal and make up some blues.

  3. I have the same kind of problem...I buy what I'm drawn to..BUT...I love the blue snakeskin fabric. Hopefully it had a nice hand also. Can't wait to see what it transforms into.

    1. The snakeskin print is really lovely. It actually has a silky feel to it, 97% cotton and 3% lycra.

  4. Hey - you obviously gravitate toward it because it makes you feel good and you look great in it. So no intervention needed. Some gorgeous fabric there.

  5. I definitely see a pattern here! A very pretty pattern and it suits you. :)

  6. Ohhh! Many treasures to my eyes! Definitely, you are a blue Barbie! So fun!

  7. I guess that I should just embrace the fact that this is my color :)

  8. Oh wow, you look great in blue so keep it up. At least you are sewing while you are shopping, it sucks to buy fabric when you don't have time to sew.

    Great fabrics all around, and they become terrific clothes. I can't wait to see what you do with the new surprise package.

  9. I notice I do the same thing, only my eye is usually drawn to purples (or black and white which I just noticed was the color of my last four sewing projects). Those blue fabrics are lovely.

  10. Well....I declared a moratorium on fabric and yarn buying. My goal for the summer was to make a dent in the fabric stash....My goal for the fall will be to make a dent in the fabric stash. Thank goodness I have not visited!

  11. I have found that my go to color is teal! I swear I don't mean to buy so much. But when I come across a lonely bolt, laying on that discount table, just awaiting a new home I just can't resist. I have been trying to lean towards the new paprika color so I could break free of the obsession and then I came across the most beautiful print that had not only my new color but also has teal in it too! And yes, it is also hanging in my closet too. I am addicted!

  12. I am blond with blue eyes and I also gravitate to the blues and I think you are the same and they do suit you really well.

  13. I can't up with reading your posts - how do you write so quickly? Wonderful fabrics and just the right colours for you.

    1. Thanks Ruth.
      As for writing, it is truly my first passion. I write everyday, so it comes easily to me....most of the time. There are times that I am like every other writer in the world, I sit and stare at a blank page or a blank computer screen and I'm lost for words.
