Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dog Coats and Pillowcases

With this being a holiday week here in America, although it's Tuesday, it feels like Monday! That means that it will be a short week. As I said on Sunday, I have a boat load of pillowcases to share, so here we go!
This batch came in from Andrea. She has a very interesting business. A seamstress by trade, but with a twist, she makes coats for greyhounds!
Not only coats, but collars and even pj's!!! Here is a link to her website,
I am in awe of you Andrea! Some of you may remember when I talked about making my Little Bit a coat last winter. You would have thought I was killing the dog. As you can see from the picture below, I got the coat made, but man what a process.
On to the pillowcases. Andrea sent in 12 and they are such fun!
I never cease to be inspired by the creativity that everyone uses with their cases. Who would have thought to take a piece of fabric that is all about tools and pair it with polka dots? Not me!, but it works. 
 Andrea also had another great idea. She used grosgrain ribbon as a trim.
Another shot of the cases.
Thanks so much Andrea!!! They are just wonderful.
I'll be back tomorrow with another batch!!!


  1. What cute coats! And love those booties!

    1. My little dog has gotten to the point that she needs protection when it's cold out, but she HATES the coat and especially the boots!!!

  2. They look so cozy! That takes a whole different talent, I can't imagine trying to pin a hem...

    1. The problem that I had with Miss Little Bit was in measuring the pattern. When I approached her with the tissue paper in my hands, she started screaming. I just had to laugh. You wonder what goes through their head!

  3. Greyhounds LOVE their coats and snuggies. My folks had two and outerwear in the cold New England winters was a must. My little smooth coat JRT will tolerate coats in the cold, but they get a lot of pleasure from pulling on each others garments. Nothing like a wearable tug toy. Who cares if there is a warm body in it!

    1. My neighbor adopted a number of greyhounds and that was when I learned about how important it is to keep them warm in the winter. My little dog is just getting old :( there was a time when she tolerated the cold, but no more. I saw the picture you have on your profile page. Your little dog is sooo cute!!!
