Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Morning Inspiration

Welcome to this wonderful new week. This is the last of the Valentino fabric books that I have to share. Autumn 1986/87, the shoulders are VERY wide, but as you scroll through the pictures, I hope that what you'll be able to take away is how magnificently the patterns and fabrics have been paired. what I wouldn't give to just have one grouping of these luscious fabrics. I've included a few pictures of the fabrics just so you can see exactly how they look. The day just can't come soon enough for us to be able to touch what we see on the computer. Well, as long it's fabrics and not all sorts of other creepy things!!!  

Not only is the blouse Valentino red, it has his logo stamped on the fabric.

And it came in blue too!!
I love the baseball type jacket.

The fabrics are a luscious cashmere, silk charmeuse, and  a black silk velvet. Wow!

Beautiful embroidery,
and rich jacquard.
This gown is so simple and yet so very elegant.

Have a wonderful week and may we find some elegance in our everyday lives :)


  1. Awesome pictures, thank you for sharing! There is an almost palpable sense of luxury in those pictures. I remember those years and how I wanted to be an adult already so I could wear those cool clothes.

  2. Such beautiful fabrics. And all co-ordinated for you.

  3. What a treat to see the actual fabrics with the designs. Thanks you so much, Rhonda!

    1. It's just such a shame that you aren't able to touch them. Maybe one day :)
