Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, August 12, 2013

It's Christmas in....August!!!

There will be a number of pillowcase post this week as they are beginning to pile up and I really need to recognize all who have contributed to the project. 
Today's pillowcases are once again from a different country, Canada! Lorraine, a.k.a. TwoToast of emailed me and asked if it would be alright to do Christmas themed pillowcases. The fabric was from her mother, so although her mother is no longer with us, this is a gift from both Lorraine and her mother.
 The vintage fabrics are just lovely.

I especially like the combination of the batik with the Christmas prints.
The colors look so bright and cheerful. It would be horrible to have to be in the hospital during Christmas, but I think that Lorraine's pillowcases will make the rooms they grace so very festive!
Thank you Miss TwoToast for this lovely gift. I'm sure your mother is quite happy that her fabric is going to this project :)
At the end of this week I will post our current numbers, it's getting very close to 400, super exciting!
With each post I do, I explain that the pillowcases are for the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma, Washington. I know I sound like a broken record, but in the off chance that someone has just stopped by this blog for the first time, I want to make sure they know what this is all about. So once again, if you are new to the blog and would like to know more about this project, you can find all of my posts here, And if you would like to contribute to the project, here is a link to the simplified pillowcase instructions that I did,
Once again, thank you to everyone who has contributed to the project. Your generosity is without compare.


  1. My younger son was born at Christmas time, and loves that time of year a lot- given a choice he would probably pick a Christmas pillowcase.

    1. I told Lorraine that the pillowcases would be a hit :)

  2. Thank-you for your kind comments. I sent the link to this post to my father and he was thrilled and rather touched at what you are organising.

    I am happy to have been a part of this great movement!

    1. I'm so happy that your father is so pleased. Thanks for sharing this with me.
