Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, May 30, 2013

We Almost Have Our First 100!!

I received more pillowcases!!! This is just sooo exciting!!! 
Inside the package were 8 lovely little cases from Ilse.
Two were made from "Dora The Explorer" fabric. Ilse said that she had a bear of a time trying to line up the fabric and had thought that she might not send these, but in the end she did and I am very happy. I think they are just adorable. You can see that my new clothespin bag is coming in quite handy. As I pinned up these cases yesterday and slid my bag along the line, I couldn't help but think about helping my grandmother with the laundry. She never had a dryer, everything was hung on the line to dry and no clothes ever smelled better! She never had such a cute little clothespin bag. If you missed that post, here's a link,
We are just about to hit our first 100 donated pillowcase for Mary Bridge. As I shared with you when we started this project, the hospital goes trough 900 pillowcases in a month. Most of the pillowcases go to children, but pillowcases are also given to those in hospice. At such a critical time in one's life, it must be wonderful to lay your head on a lovely handmade pillowcase and know that someone cared enough to make something so bright and special.
If you would like to participate, there is plenty of time as this project will continue on throughout the summer. I'm hoping for that 900 number!! Here is a link to the pattern,
You do not have to use this pattern, whatever method you prefer will be fine. Email me, and let me know that you are participating. When the cases are delivered to the hospital, I will also include a list of everyone who has participated.
I'm hoping to have the first 100 in the next few days. If I do, I plan to string up lines across my garden and photograph all the cases. I think it will be quite a picture! I can't wait!!
Have a wonderful day.


  1. I absolutely have 2 to send. Somehow I let it slide when the project extended through the summer but the pattern and the guidelines are so simple and clear - you've made it very easy and fun to participate!

    Glad to know some will go to hospice patients because I have other appropriate fabrics for the non-kid set!

    Thanks for all you've done. Amazing!

    1. I am really enjoying this project. Experiencing everyone's generosity is a little overwhelming but exciting. I just love it when our heart tells us to do something and we follow through and then the universe takes over and turns it into something so special.
      Thanks so much for your contribution. It is so very generous of you and all who have given of their time and talent.

  2. Hooray for the 100 or so pillowcases!

    Loved how you described this project: "our heart tells us to do something and we follow through and then the universe takes over and turns it into something so special." Beautiful, profound and true.

    1. Thank you so much for being a part of this and from such a long way away! Such a wonderful contribution. I just received another 10 today, so I'm just a few away from 100. I'm going to have my husband start working on getting the lines across our garden so I can photograph the cases. Very exciting.

  3. aw, these are sweet pillowcases! Yay!

    1. I love them all. I'm beginning to think about how emotional it's going to be for me when I take them all to the hospital. I'm just so grateful to everyone for being so generous and helping me make this happen.
