Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Me Made May 2013

Day 21
You may remember my top from last week's Sew News post, and the little puff sleeve was done here,
I just love the top, but a picture is worth a thousand words and the words this picture speaks are, "your pants are too big!!" I knew they were too big when I put them on. Let me say though that I did not make them. I came across them in a store, they were a great buy, they are too big and I have had every intention of taking them up, but I really wanted to wear a pair of white pants today so..... look at what I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Rhonda you didn't!!!! Sadly, yes I did, I pinned those suckers in the back and pulled my top down over the pinning and out the door I went. Shame, shame shame and a little more shame!!!!! And now the picture tells the entire story, yes, I hang my head in shame :-), sheepish grin! 
I hope you've had a great day!


  1. I'm telling! Well, I was going too, but your top is just too cute and all is forgiven!!

    1. Ahh, thank you! I thought it was just too funny not to share. We're all human :-)

  2. That pictures speaks to me and says FABULOUS! That top is just incredible. thank you so much for sharing your tutorial. The colors are just perfect for you, you absolutely glow.
    I didn't even notice the pants, but isn't it funny how the cobbler's shoes get fixed last.

    1. Thanks! I really enjoyed making this top and it was fun to wear as well. The pants, well, if I don't get them fixed soon, I think they are going to go on a trip and not return!!

  3. Oh Rhonda! You've just become human to me! ;) The next time I do a similar fix, I'll confidently know I am in good company!

    Love the top! Bright, cheery colours!


    1. We are all human after all. I thought there might be some that think I would never do such a thing, but alas, I've done even worse!!!!

  4. Everyone is doing Me Made May, I am so jealous I would love to participate but I have wear a pesky school uniform all year around!
    Don't worry, I've done the good old pin & pull down your top trip before too :)

  5. I agree with everyone else - its nice to see you do something that we would all do ha ha - cute top love the colours

  6. Hi Rhonda, your only sin was in telling us, lol's! Haven't we all done these quick fixes!

  7. Better too big than too small! Just this week I bought a too big pair of pants I fell in love with. Now to sit and tailor them down! Nice to know I'm not alone. You look great and I love these bright warm colors on you.

  8. Love the colours in your top and I will admit I have done the same with a safety pin and too big a skirt!

  9. Beautiful top! Such lovely colors . . .

  10. Can I just come on over there and give you a great big SMOOOOOCH! (that's for the safety pin shot)

    One of the first things that I did when I started sewing again was remove all those safety pins from the back of my pants, and sew up a new seam (badly....but at least they were SEWN, not PINNED!) :D
