Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Me Made May 2013 Catch Up

I haven't posted pictures for Me Made May 2013 for a few days, so a quick catch up.
Tuesday I wore this circular skirt. I see now that my black top is not the best match. Oh well :-), I won't do that again.
The skirt is a circular skirt. This is from a very early Fabulous Free Pattern Friday post. You can see that post here, and if your interested, learn how to draft your own circular skirt. I also did a post for Sew News on drafting the circular skirt. You can see that post here,
In the post I did on my blog, I said that the fabric was available in my Etsy store. Sadly, it's no longer available as it just about flew out the door.
Yesterday was a beautiful day in Chicago. I had some time so I went out to the airport and practiced a few take offs and landings. I tried to take a picture, but my arms are only so long!! Hopefully the weather will cooperate this Saturday as it is our day for flying children. Taking a child up for the first time and seeing their expression is priceless!
I have had this suit for quite a while and I always get lots of compliments on it. It's going to be a sad day when it finally wears out. The jacket is from an OOP Vogue pattern. You can see another airport post I did here, where I also wore the suit and talked briefly about the pattern.That was almost two years ago. I told you that I've had this for quite a while!! Actually, I have clothes that are a LOT older than this.
I'll post today's outfit tomorrow.
Hope you're having a wonderful day!


  1. Very nice outfits, both! And I'm in love with your shoes in the top picture!

  2. I love circle skirts! (unfortunately, I don't own one at present, but that could be remedied.) Yours looks spectacular. And the suit is really lovely!

  3. Great outfits and it is hard to get black to match and I think the camera does distort it a bit. How wonderful to take a child flying, fingers crossed for the weather.

  4. Rhonda, I love looking at all the Me Made May outfits that you are posting. It's so lovely seeing what everyone has made over the years. Flying must be great fun, not cheap to learn though.

    1. I learned to fly quite a few years ago when it was actually reasonable. My heart aches for the child that would love to have the opportunity. There was a time when they could go out to a local airport and easily learn to fly. No more.

  5. I love your suit and your shoes are very clever with your sewing :)

  6. You did it. You made me make the 'ooh-ooh' nooise as I scrolled down to see more! Love that suit!!!

  7. I like both outfits. But especially that suits. You look fantastic.

  8. You always looks wonderful! Although I have to admit that my favorite is the last suit ... as spring!

  9. Believe me, I've got clothes that are way more than 2 years old! Almost vintage ifI I was publicising them on ebay. Looking great, as always.

  10. You are so talented! Great work! :)
