Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I'm In!!

A couple of summers ago I was out working in my garden. My husband had been out with me, but had gone in to take a shower. One thing I like about Chicago is that we are able to have windows open during the summer and let the fresh air flow through the house, typically. This was not one of those days. The air conditioner was humming away and the windows were shut tight. All of a sudden, I saw my big dog take off down the river bank and then I heard an animal cry out and it wasn't my dog. Immediately following the cry, my dog was barking and on the attack. My little dog was up in the garden with me. She heard the commotion and I could see her thoughts in her eyes, "fight, fight, I'm in!!!!!" and off she flew down the bank. I began screaming for my husband. I think people in Wisconsin could hear me, but there was no movement from my house. Then the door finally opened and out ran my husband. He immediately knew what was happening and yelled for me to go get the leashes while he started making his way down the bank. Just as I started in the door I heard my little dog scream and the worst thought came over me, "whatever that animal is, it's going to kill my dog!"
With the leashes now in hand, I started making my way down the bank. When I finally made my way to my husband, he had hold of my larger dog and there on the rocks was a huge beaver that was holding it's ground. He had grabbed my little dog and bit into her leg. My husband had to hit it over the head to make it let go(it was not hurt just in case you are wondering), but my little dog was injured. I put the leash on the bigger dog. She was still lunging for the beaver which caused me to loose my footing and I then pushed my husband into the water. Finally, I got the bigger dog up the bank, the little one followed. Once she was in the garden, she began to tremble. I gave the bigger dog to my husband and grabbed my little dog and took her to the basement basin to wash her. When I turned the water on her, the basin filled with blood. I wrapped her in a towel and off to the vet we went.
Miracle of miracles, the beaver grabbed her between the bones in her leg and the bite did not break the tendon. It took a few weeks to heal and I thought that she had surely learned her lesson. Then a few weeks later, my bigger dog once again took off down the bank, barking all the way. The little one perked up, "fight, fight!!...I'm in!!!" We did not have a repeat of the previous event. Thankfully, I was able to grab her before anything happened.
So a big long story just to say, Me Made May is approaching and I have decided, I'm in!! Now, in my mind, it seems like it will be easy as just about my entire wardrobe has been made by me. But I have learned that when I think something will be easy, it's like the kiss of death and it turns into anything but simple, so we'll see.
To kick things off, a little early, I thought I would share with you what I wore today.
Remember this skirt?
It's the skirt I made out of an old sweatshirt that was, at least I thought, ready for the rag bin. You can see the original post here.
Here I am...Day of the Dead boots and all!
I was so inspired by all of you who posted your garments last year and I'm looking forward to all of your garments once again. Wishing us all lots of luck!  


  1. What a story and I freak out when I hear a puppy scream.

    Looking forward to seeing all your Me Made outfits during May.

    1. You can imagine how upsetting the whole situation was. I was so relieved that the teeth went into her leg exactly between the two bones. But, she is a dog and a little one at that so she's always up for a fight:)
      Sharon, you were such an inspiration last year and when I saw that you would once again be doing the MMM, I thought, why not join her this year?! Thanks for the inspiration:)

  2. I'll be looking forward to your lovely outfits!

  3. Oh, your poor doggie! But to live in a place with beaver! I love your skirt. :)

    1. It's like wild kingdom around here at times. We have had so many coyotes in the yard that I can't let them out on their own. At the moment I have a duck couple swimming in the fountain. They come every year. Soon we'll see that she's carrying eggs. And within the next month, our snapping turtle will return and lay her eggs. We have seen them hatch twice. As they came out of the ground, they were about the size of a half dollar, but they already had their claws and a little crook on their nose.

  4. Wow, what a great skirt - you have given me some ideas about what to do with some old track pants I absolutely hate! Glad the little dog was okay - but yes, they will keep doing the same old thing.

    1. Okay, you are going to have to post your before and after. You've got my curiosity peaked!!!
      It's like my vet once said, "they are dogs."

  5. What a story! So glad your dog is alright. I have been thinking about Me Made May. I still can't say "I'm in". I would have to wear the same thing every day for a month!

    1. You gave me my first chuckle of the day. Thanks!!

  6. Wow! What an adventure! We have a large dog and a small dog too, and it is the small dog who always gets into trouble. I'm going to have to wait another year to participate or I will be like Janlynn.

  7. You thrilled me with this story about your dogs .... I entered the last year in MMM .... I'm thinking of entering this year ... hmm, decisions ...
