Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm A Finalist!!!

Back in February I shared that I had been chosen as one of five finalists to compete for a spot on the television show, Sew It All. The competition was held this past weekend and long story short...I was chosen as one of the two finalists!!!!!
Before I go any further though, I must thank all of you who responded to my dilemma of "name this tool."
Last Thursday evening, I began writing out what I wanted to say and for the life of me, I could not remember bodkin. Nerves probably. Of course when I went to sleep that night, it was on my mind. During the middle of the night I awoke and the thought that came to me was to post a picture and ask for help. You are all so incredible. Thank you, thank you. I like to use this tool to pull my drawstrings  to the right side and then thread them through a casing. Works like magic. This little bodkin was the center of my presentation so I had to know the name. So once again, thank you so much for coming through for me. I was able to write out what I wanted to say on Friday morning and then I memorized my little script and rehearsed it over and over with a timer. We only had five minutes to present our presentation and if we were not finished, we would be cut off. I stumbled a little, but all in all it went fairly well. The two finalist were chosen by the audience so it was quite an honor to have been chosen.
So..............the next phase, being chosen as the one and only finalist who will appear on the Sew It All program. This is where I desperately will need your help once again. On Thursday, March 7, 2013 the videos of the two finalists will be posted here,, and you will be able to vote for the finalist that you would like to see win the contest. I hope it will be me. Don't worry, I know we all have a million things on our plate, so I will be posting my plea for your vote again, once the voting has officially started.
This was such a wonderful opportunity. Thank you all for the kind words you sent when I posted that I had been chosen to go to Puyallup, Washington to compete. I took your words of encouragement with me and they did give me strength. I'm excited to see where the next bend in the road will take me. 


  1. Fantastic, now to remember to vote!

    1. Thanks Sharon. Don't worry, I'll remind you, probably more than once!!!

  2. CONGRATS!!!! FIESTA!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!! I pray you a WINNER!!! :)

  3. Congratulations, Rhonda!!!!!! I'll definitely cast a vote!

  4. How fabulous, Rhonda! You've got MY vote!

  5. Congratulations on becoming one of the final two! My best to you for Thursday.

  6. Congratulations on being a finalist. Enjoy the ride too.

  7. Yes you have my's on my calendar!

  8. Congrats and you will most certainly get my vote!

  9. Stumbled a little??? WHATEVER!!! You were wonderful! A total professional! How happy we are that our paths have crossed.

  10. Too exciting. I hope I can get to vote and it is not just for US residents :)

  11. How fabulous! I can't wait to see it!

  12. Fantatastic! ...bodkin...but of course :-)

  13. CONGRATULATIONS, Rhonda!!!! How exciting!!

  14. Congratulations ! I'll be voting for you

  15. you have my vote too I'll watch out for this tomorrow.

  16. I'll be voting for you...remember as you are presenting, how many friends you have out here. Pretend you are talking to us! :)

  17. I KNOW you can see the toothy grin I carry around because of your success! I am too pleased for you and will definitely be voting for you!

  18. How awesome! Can't wait to see the video. I'll be sure to vote for you!

  19. Whoo hoo! Can't wait to vote for you!

  20. Congratulations! I'll be casting a vote in your direction!

  21. You will have my vote. Congratulations!!!............Lydia

  22. Rhonda, I'm trying to vote for you, but can't find how with the link. Help!!

    1. Thanks for trying Andrea. They haven't posted the videos yet. Hopefully they'll have them up tomorrow. I'll let everyone know when and where they can vote.
