Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday Morning Inspiration

Good Morning Everyone!! It's Christmas Eve, a busy day, but a fun day. I have a group of people coming for dinner tonight that I love to see and spend time with, so a good day indeed! I had thought of not doing a Monday Morning post today, but then I thought that you may want to take a moment to yourself and look at something rather pretty. And if you don't get a chance to look today, it will be here when you do.
Today's pictures come from the Modes Royale Spring/Summer 1951 catalogue. There are some truly beautiful ideas here. Enjoy!

If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a lovely time spent with friends and family.


  1. Love some of those collars and necklines. Enjoy your Christmas Eve dinner this evening, Rhonda!

  2. Really fun. These pics hit the spot while eating a quick lunch!

  3. I could do some serious damage to my stash if I had some of these patterns on-hand! Gorgeous features, as usual.
    Merry Christmas, enjoy the day...J

  4. A very merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. All the best of the holiday season to you, Rhonda. I hope your dinner party was a good memory maker!

  6. Merry Christmas, Rhonda! Your Modes Royale was a great gift to wake up to today.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Bunny. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
