Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Morning Inspiration

Good Morning!!
Just as I wrote my greeting, I remembered a friend of my father's who came to visit us. He was the happiest person I ever met. He would wake up happy, very happy, almost annoyingly happy. He had every reason to not be happy. As a child he had polio and had to wear braces on his legs the rest of his life. Funny the things that we remember in the flash of a moment.
So we move on. Today's inspiration is the 1950 Fall Modes Royale catalogue. It is jammed packed with great ideas. Don't scroll through too fast, or better yet, come back and visit the pictures a few times as I think you will see something a little different each time.  

As I leave you this morning, my wish is that we can all find a way to be at least somewhat annoyingly happy and plant a lovely memory in the heart of someone we touch.
Have a wonderful week.


  1. Clothing was so creative back then. Can you believe all of the interesting use of buttons? That's what jumped out at me. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love it. I want to make them all. I love the design (pocket$) on the 3rd page from the top-Left dress.

  3. They are wonderful designs.
    Thanks for reminding me about my uncle too, also amazingly happy and contented with his not so fabulous lot.

  4. Thanks for the memories! Love how different each looks, and the angles used to accentuate different parts...

  5. Those two last coats are positively incredible. Gimme, gimme, those sillouettes.

  6. All the architectural details are lovely, aren't they?

  7. The "beige" coat is fabulous!

  8. Love the scultural elements of these garments. Thanks for sharing and for your lovely comments on my blouse.
