Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, December 14, 2012

It's Teal Blue Friday!

Our fun continues with the announcement of the dove grey winner. It's Lisa Laree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!
 Email me with your address and I will get the package out to you,
Each piece of the fabric that has been in the contest is lovely, but I must say, that today's piece is my favorite. It is such a pretty color. 
I tried to take a few pictures to show the true color as it is fairly deep. The photo above is the best picture I think.
As I said, such a pretty piece of fabric. I would love to wear this piece of fabric just as it is on the form!!
The drill remains the same. If your name is in the box, it will stay unless I hear from you. If you have not commented as of yet, leave a message on this post. You must be a follower. Leave your message by 8 a.m. central standard time tomorrow morning, 12/15/12. Good luck everyone.
Before I go, I would just like to thank everyone for all the thoughts of concern about my near miss on Wednesday night. When something like that happens, adrenalin kicks in and of course you're a bit stunned over the whole situation. Now that I've had some time to think about it, I'm relieved and have a new found sense of just being joyful in the moment. As much as I appreciate all of your comments, it was this simple statement from themateriallady that was deeply touching and I think summed up all of your responses,  "You would be missed." A simple thank you seems so little, but please know that it comes from my heart.


  1. Well, leave my name in for the teal!

  2. Lovely color!! I would love for the material to come to my house.

  3. This would be a fantastic color for my wedding dress. It is BEAUTIFUL!!

  4. I would like to put my name in the box if it's not too late Dottie Gould

  5. I love the teal!! My name. is Kuby

  6. Add my name... Marlis.. gotta love this fabric! as i'm sitting here planning a turquoise/teal new year's day table!

  7. Hi, happy belated birthday! please add my name. I would love to own this beautiful piece of fabric. Dawn Williams.

  8. Oh. My. That is gorgeous. I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow!

  9. That's an awesome colour and I hope to be lucky.

  10. Yay! Teal day at last! I love that colour so much!!!
    *fingers crossed* (makes typing rather difficult actually)

  11. Ithink that fabric has my name on it......LOVE the color!

  12. Oh yes, I would love that. Such a beautiful color. Please add me to the drawing.

  13. Add me to the drawing, please! This is gorgeous!

  14. I'll leave my name in for the teal, but now I have to look back to see what happened! Glad you are ok!

  15. I love this colour! please add my name to your hat.

  16. Now I've gone back to see what happened. How awful but so glad you're unharmed!

  17. Please leave my name in the draw for the Teal Wool Crepe. Absolutely love the colour.

    Cathy White

  18. Gosh this is so generous of you. If I've made the deadline - add my name to the box too. Thank you
