Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Morning Inspiration

Good Morning Everyone and welcome to a new week. I had said last week that I would take a little break from the Modes Royale patterns and share something a little different. I have a great catalogue from Butterick showcasing patterns from 1931. We'll get to it, but I just had to share this group of photos today because they are just too wonderful to not share. We'll get to the Buttericks in the future, but today, just sit back and enjoy the stroll through this Spring/Summer Modes Royale catalogue from 1947. I think you are going to love it! In fact, I am going to just let you stroll and keep my comments to myself. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I have!.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.


  1. Loved my stroll! Keep 'em coming!

  2. We are wired the same. I love, love, love these.

  3. We are wired the same. I too love, love, love these.

  4. Rhonda - what a stroll down memory lane. My mother actually had the fabric from the page labeled prints.

  5. Aw, why are we the yoga pants generation when these are available???

  6. I love these photos and patterns and would love to copy some of them. Thank you for sharing.

  7. The styles are strikingly sculptural. I love 201 and 225.

  8. SO beautiful!!!! I learned pretty quickly that these sorts of designs simply don't work well on my body type or lifestyle, but that doesn't keep me from drooling over the pattern illustrations of designs like this. Thank you for these; I LOVE them!

  9. Very beautiful,and scultural,a lot of insoiration,thank you Rhonda!
    Folie de mode

  10. These design just blow my mind!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. So lovely, so elegant, why did they even stop making these kind of dresses.
