Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Building Of A Dress

Now that the quilt is finished, I can start to concentrate on a dress for me to wear to the zoo ball. 
Last year I wore this dress. I call this my Starry, Starry Night Van Gogh dress.
It also reminds me of Edvard Munch's The Scream.
I especially like the back. If you would like, you can see the post I did on this dress here.
The year before I wore what I call my Bride of Elvis Dress, Elvis Presley that is. The theme of the ball that year was Rock and Roar. Wow, has my hair grown!
You may notice that my husband's outfit remains the same. You can see my post on that dress here.
So, now, what do I do this year?
I have this piece of floral chiffon. While I was out for a drive with my husband, my mind began to wonder and I thought of a design for my dress. Believe it or not, it all started around the concept of a rectangle. What else?!! So I came home and started to drape.
One rectangle around the shoulders.
And then I took two rectangles and started draping them around the bust. Of course I'll need a foundation piece underneath, but I have the basic design of my dress started. 
Just for draping purposes, I stopped the fabric at center back. For the real dress, I'll have an opening on the side. Much easier to get into by myself. I learned the hard way that having my husband help me get dressed is not the most optimum way of beginning a night out, if you know what I mean. It can lend itself to a very quiet ride to wherever we happen to be going. So I've learned, put the zipper in the side and keep everyone happy.  
The skirt is going to be a floaty, full skirt. 
Now I need to get to work!
Have a wonderful day.


  1. The fabric is beautiful. Looks like it will be a gorgeous dress!

  2. I love how you draped the chiffon fabric. Very pretty! Looking forward to seeing your final dress.

  3. Oh, that is a very promising start! A very neat draped bodice. lol on the "not an optimum way to start a night out." ;)

  4. Your ability to create is a very stimulating! This dress will be spectacular, I love the fabric so steamy and the design you are creating. Looking forward ....

  5. What is the theme this year? I love your prior year's dresses, and this year's dress is off to a great start. Such pretty fabric!

  6. Oh Rhonda, I love the starry night fabric. Fancy being able to wear your favourite Don McLean song!

  7. Can't wait to see the final garment!

  8. Love the way your creative mind works! Those colors are so modern, and so perfect for you.

  9. This is wonderful.. Seeing you construct by draping is so inspiring

