Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Tree Of Life Bag

Last week I postd the bag that I am working on. There was such a nice response to the bag that I am offering to do another bag as a knit along. We'll begin on Wednesday, July 18th. That gives me a bit of time to finish this bag and figure out the changes that I want to make to the bag and it gives anyone who would like to knit along a chance to get their supplies.
 All of the pieces are finished,
and I have begun to sew them together.
One side panel is in. I really like how this looks.
 I'm very happy with the overall shape and style of the bag.
I don't like the bobbles on the bottom of the bag. I think that the first tree of life design should not be there. 
 The bobbles on the bottom are just rather distracting to me.
I think that I would also like to change the center cable. All the other cables and the bobbles seam to have a tighter feel to me and this cable just seems a bit out of place. My thoughts anyway.
Next Wednesday I will post the finished bag as well as all of the supplies that you will need in order to knit a new one along with me. I think this will be loads of fun. Hope you can join me.


  1. I recently filled in for an instructor in a beginning knitting class and I LOVED it. I've never taught any knitting classes. I'd totally be interested in a knit-a-long for this bag.

    1. I would love to have you. I'll post everything about the knit along next Wednesday.

  2. Having a knit along sounds like fun!! I'm in!

    1. Great. All the info will be posted next Wednesday.

  3. This bag is going to be super nice. I agree with you regarding the bobbles on the bottom of the bag. Distracting.
    I'm tempted to join in and knit with you. I'll see how I'm feeling about it in a couple of weeks!

    1. I'm going to post the information next week. There will be a Facebook page where we can talk and post pictures. If you decide not to knit, you may want to just follow along. Either way, I would love to have you.
