Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Brunch

Cilantro Lime Chickpea Salad
I actually made this for dinner last night, it is so good, and it will be on a brunch table in the coming future. It is not my original recipe. I thought that I may have found it on Pinterest, but I did not pin it, so who knows how I found it. The recipe is from a delightful website,, written by Angela Liddon. Oh She Glows is a healthy vegan recipe blog, chronicling her life, favourite recipes, photography, and motivational musings on body-image, career happiness, and self-love. I love the recipes and the blog in general.
I did make a few changes to the recipe, very minor, they are highlighted next to the original ingredients. The recipe makes approximately 4 servings.

One 29-oz can chickpeas (4 cups cooked), drained and rinsed
4 cups spinach
1/2 cup sweet onion, chopped finely, I used 1 bunch of green onions 
Juice from 3 limes, I used 2 limes 
1 1/2 cup fresh Cilantro, I used one entire bunch of cilantro 
1 tsp sugar (or to taste), I used 1/2 teaspoon of sugar 
4 tsp Dijon mustard, I only used 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard 
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil, I used 1 tablespoon of olive oil 
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp kosher salt + ground pepper

1. In a food processor, add the spinach and pulse a few times until chopped very small. Add the processed spinach, drained chickpeas, and chopped onion into a large bowl.

2. In the food processor (no need to rinse the bowl!), add the lime juice, cilantro, mustard, sugar, garlic, cumin, and oil. Process until smooth, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.
3. Pour the dressing on top of the spinach chickpea mixture and stir well. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let stand for about 10 minutes to let the flavours develop (optional- I didn’t!). Serve over a bed of grains, like brown rice. Serves 1-2.
*I cooked oat groats (I know, I'm such a hippy) and served the salad  over the oats. I topped it off with fresh chopped tomatoes, sliced avocado and extra chopped green onions.  

The above picture is from Angela's website. Doesn't it look wonderful? Trust me, it really is so very good, perfect for a summer lunch, a brunch buffet or even a light summer dinner. Check out her website, there's a wonderful recipe for Happy Trails Adventure Cookies. They are a rolled oat cookie. Looks wonderful. Who knows, maybe I'll glow a bit after eating all this wonderful food!
Wishing you a lovely Sunday full of miraculous happenings.


  1. Thanks SO much for posting this, Rhonda. I love me a good vegan blog and I am going to start following hers. This recipe looks amazing. I am wondering how it might be with basil instead of cilantro. (I like cilantro ok, but I love basil. ;) ) And maybe lemon instead of lime? Thoughts?

    1. Well, great minds think alike. Last night I walked past my basil and thought the same exact thing. I think all the ingredients would work with basil,(change the lime for lemon as you said), but I may leave the cumin out on my first try. Wish I could share a dish with you. No kidding, it is REALLY good. I have leftovers to enjoy this week for lunch.

  2. This looks SO delicious!! I've starred it for an upcoming meal. And gmta x 3 - my first thought was to try it with basil too. And I will have some fresh spinach from the garden before too long!

  3. Looks so yummy! I like your version - not only we can get tons of veggies but also protein from chickpeas and avocado. Perfect! Thanks for posting this. :)
