Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, June 18, 2012

She's Knitting Again!

Last summer I shared with you my step by step progress with this sweater and I realized that I've been knitting and haven't shared a thing about it. No where near the major project that the sweater was, although I do have another project just waiting in the wings for when I finish this one, more later. 
I'm doing a bag and I'm very pleased with how it is turning out. I do love cables. My Celtic ancestors would be quite pleased I think. I'm calling the other design with the bobbles The Tree Of Life as it looks like a tree, to me anyway, and it just keeps going, just like life itself. 
The bobbles are such fun. I love knitting and knitting into one stitch.
In fact I like this so much that I've decided to make my side panels out of the same stitch.
There's no picture of the finished bag as I'm pulling it out of my head. I do plan to put a zipper in the top and I have leather handles to attach. I'll keep you posted on my progress.


  1. Beautiful knitting, Rhonda. Don't you love how knitting and sewing are similar but different? When I don't feel like doing one, I usually feel like doing the other. Being a sewer first really helped me with knitting. So many knitters dread the finishing work on a garment - i.e., sewing the seams. For me, it's just part of the whole. The sweater you show above is fabulous. Very nice work!

    1. Hey Dixie. I actually learned to knit before I learned to sew. Knitting is like an old friend, sometimes I don't see the friend for a while , but when we do get back together, it's wonderful. I have lots of wonderful memories of sitting with my grandmother and her teaching me how to knit. I do agree with you, it's like knitting and sewing aer very close cousins.

  2. That sweater is to die for! I do wish I had been gifted with the knitting gene, but I was not. I tried to find it. It ain't there.

  3. Love the tree with the bobbles. This will make a cute bag!
