Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Herriott Grace, A Love Story

I've been following a lovely blog for quite some time, The blog belongs to Nikole, which you see on the left in the above picture. She is extraordinary. About a year ago, she and John Cullen, a very gifted photographer went to her parents farm on Vancouver Island and did a film about what it is her father does. Click on the link below to see a teaser of the film. Trust me, it's lovely. It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Herriott Grace Trailer from John Cullen on Vimeo.

If you love great food,
 lovely photos,
and wonderful recipes, Herriott Grace is a blog that you should check out.
What prompted me to share this with you tonight though was her father, a very unassuming man. He does all the beautiful wooden pieces that are sold at Herriott Grace, true pieces of art. But what I find so endearing is the love that surrounds him. Nikole's mother has loved him since she was twelve years old, and you can see from the first picture that he adores his daughter. His daughter is who she is because of her father. Not only does he build beautiful pieces from wood, he built a beautiful foundation for his daughter which has given her the strength to become all that she was meant to be. I can't wait to see the entire film.

Morning Post Script
When I opened my mail this morning I was so surprised to see that Design Sponge had also included a piece about Herriott Grace. Lovely. They deserve all the recognition that comes to them. You can see the article here.

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