Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Morning Inspiration

It's not Monday morning any where in the world, but rather than miss the day all together, I thought I would go ahead and do the post. I had planned to get up a little extra early and do the post before I left this morning, but the bed was too warm and too comfortable, so the post lost out and the bed won!
What a glorious day I've had. I was able to hear thirty young people sing or play their hearts out in order to try and win a scholarship from the American Opera Society of Chicago. It was a little like American Idol except everyone was a classical musician. I think that there's a little too much "mother" in me because I wanted to give everyone a scholarship. But sadly, there are only six scholarships to give.
A friend of mine gave me this beautiful book called "Cubism and Fashion." It's a book that I love keeping next to my bed and thumbing through just before I drift off to sleep. 
 The book shows the connection of art to fashion from 1908 through the 1920's. 
 On one page the book shows a piece of art like the painting above by Marcel Duchamp,
 and on the following page is the fashion. This dress and coat ensemble is by Nemser, c. 1926.
 The dress without the coat,
 and an up close detail of the pleats.
 Fernand Leger,
 and this wonderful piece by Paul Poiret. Take a close look at the above outfit, it's just rectangles.
 Pablo Picasso,
and an American dress that is thought to be a copy of an original by Leneif, an important house in Paris during the 1920's.
 Robert Delaunay's "The Eiffel Tower,"
 and this wonderful suit by Jean Paquin.
 Georges Braque's "The Musicians,"
 and Chanel's lovely little flapper dress.
Not all of the garments are paired with paintings. The embroidery on this dress is so lovely. It's by Callot Soeurs c. 1925.
 This dress by Jean Patou is not a print, but entirely beaded.
Jacques Doucet. This piece is called a late day ensemble. I'm wearing a late day ensemble and it looks nothing like this!! Mine is more like a pair of leggings and a sweat shirt!
Lovely bead work on the the bodice of the dress with a close up below.
This is a book that I highly recommend especially if you love vintage fashion. There was only one review on Amazon, but it was glowing, "I was pleasantly surprised to pick up this book and be greeted with such clear, detailed, and beautiful photographs. The combination of clothing and art is carefully chosen and illustrates the written points perfectly. I show this book to everyone who comes over, and it has yet to be looked at for less than 30 minutes at a time!"
If you are interested in the book, here's a link to the Amazon page,
Hope the start of your week has been a great one!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous book for curling up with- so many inspiring pictures!
