Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Deep Blue Sea Dress

I made the pattern that I used for this dress some time ago. I bought the fabric from Elliott Berman and there wasn't a lot of fabric. As I thought about what I would like to do, I decided to change the pattern up a bit, turn it into a dress,
 and add the flare that you see above.
 So one side is swishy and the other side is draped and form fitting.
Here's the dress laying flat. You can see that the neckline is off to the side when the dress is flat. I got the idea from the book, Pattern Magic. It's a great book and one that I would recommend having in your sewing library. My dress is not in the book, it's just where I got the idea.
The fabric reminds me of the sea. I was a little apprehensive when I ordered the fabric, but what I saw was exactly what I received. Hmmm, I wonder if I'll hear the sounds of the ocean when I wear the dress? Maybe!!


  1. Oh, Rhonda, this is gorgeous! I bet it looks wonderful on you! What a perfect fabric choice.

  2. You really must post of wearing photo. This is just gorgeous and very inventive from a design perspective.

  3. Beautiful, Rhonda! What refreshing blues!

  4. Beautiful, Rhonda! Those blues look so refreshing--and the dress itself is lovely. Can't wait to see it!

  5. It looks damn stunning. I am also thinking to print my own fabric by taking advantages of digital textile printing services and then I will sew it.
