Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Night Reflections

The Artist's Way
Week 4
How was your week? Mine was good, actually, very good. A friend pulled me aside yesterday and told me that she had been struggling lately and then saw my posts on the Artist's Way, purchased the book and is beginning the journey. Another told me that she is doing the morning pages, but not working through the book at this point. Both are wonderful. I think we seek what we need at that particular time in our life.
As I wrote my pages this week, there was one particular day when pieces of the puzzle came together, ah I understand...this event happened and then this is how I dealt with it. I have found it extremely empowering to understand my actions. I found the root, I was able to pull it out completely intact and examine the events that caused the root to form in the first place and the events that allowed the root to grow. The problem is that this root did not bear a beautiful plant, but an ugly weed, i.e. thoughts of failure and blame where it did not belong. When a dandelion is pulled, if the entire root is not pulled along with the plant, another plant will grow. By allowing myself to fully examine the events that caused the actions, the entire root was pulled and in turn the weed can no longer grow.
There have been wonderful moments of synchronicity this week. I have always wanted to dance. When I was growing up, I was taught that dancing was a sin (I never bought into that idea) and so I was never allowed to dance. This week my husband and I were invited to join a wonderful dance club. It's a wonderful time, the ladies really dress in lovely evening gowns and men in tuxes. I explained that I am not much of a dancer but I have the will to learn. Then I decided that I would like to find a dance class hopefully not to far from my house and take a few lessons before the next party. Low and behold, a Living Social coupon came up for dance lessons and the studio is not more than two miles from my home!! Yea!!! So yes, a very good week.
Week 5 is now ahead of us. This is a week where we will begin to see that there are no limits to what is possible in our lives and we'll discover why we have placed limits on ourselves. We'll see that there has been a payoff of sorts for remaining stuck.
If you have stopped by this evening, thank you, thank you for sharing in my journey.
I wish you a week filled with the realization of possibilities. I have found that there is nothing more exciting than seeing the Almighty hand at work in our lives.
Have a wonderful week.

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