Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, February 17, 2012

Fabulous Free Pattern Friday With A Prize!

The Handkerchief Skirt
This skirt is the easiest garment you will ever make.

 You will need 8 bandannas.
 Press them out flat.
 Sew 4 together. No need to finish the seams, it's already been taken care of!
 The other 4 bandannas, cut diagonally as you see below.
What I do is match the center of one cut bandanna to a seamline of the previously sewn bandannas. Then match another cut bandanna to the seamline on the opposite side. From there, continue overlapping the diagonal pieces until you have used all eight. Sew  the diagonal pieces to the full bandannas with a 1/2" seam allowance. I usually like to edge stitch my seam once it has been sewn. At this point, all that is left is to turn the top edge of your skirt to form a casing for elastic. Thread the elastic through the casing and you are finished. This took me exactly one hour to make.  
A great summer skirt!
If you would like to have the red bandanna skirt, leave a message on this post. You must be a follower of the blog. If you follow via Bloglovin, I am unable to see that you are a follower, so I have to insist that if you would like to participate in the give aways you must click on the "become a follower" button on the right hand side as that is the only way I am able to confirm that you are a follower. Sorry about that.
You will have until next Thursday to leave a message. I will announce the winner next Friday. The winner will have to insert the elastic for the waist as it is impossible for me to know the waist measurement of whoever the winner will be.
Happy Friday Everyone!
Have a wonderful weekend.
A little postscript, I'm not in the pictures because I'm still sporting a lovely fever blister. Yuk. It's almost gone, so, soon I'll be back to myself!!


  1. Very cute idea! And I suppose the same would be possible with 8 bandana-sized squares of fabric. Hmmm....

  2. What a great idea! Perfect for me to make DD#1 who hasn't worn a skirt since she was 12, but is willing to try. Skirts are so much cooler for the summer, and this one is just plain fun.

  3. Yes I'm wondering about using fabric instead as buying 8 bandanas is unlikely to be doable (or would be very expensive) here in UK. I must admit I LOVE the red version Rhonda, and should it come across the sea to me I should wear it!

  4. Rhonda, what a great idea to turn them into prairie points at the bottom! I've made a shorter, poofier bandana skirt for the Sew Weekly accessorize challenge, but I only had six. Throw my hat in the ring for the giveaway. I love your version!
