Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mission Accomplished...With A Small Hitch

 A few days ago I shared with you that I needed to get this coat finished by Saturday.
The last night of my vacation, I got it cut so that when I arrived home I would be able to get right to sewing.
I did it. There was a moment when it was a little touch and go. I'll tell you about that in a moment.

I'm really quite pleased with the final outcome. When I started working on the coat, I realized that I had only cut one piece of the outer portion of the hood. I was supposed to cut two. It was so nip and tuck with the fabric so there was nothing left to cut another piece. Oh well, just cut it out of the lining. I think it looks fine and maybe the color contrast sets off the hood better than if I had used the coat fabric. 
 I was determined to use what I had here at home. The lining is some silk I had purchased to go with something else. I'll worry about that later, it worked so I decided to use it.
The zipper I had in a fur coat I had made some time ago. I got tired of the fur coat and decided to take it apart and restyle it. The zipper was fine for this project, just a little too long.
My husband came to check on me and asked if he could see the coat on me. At that point, I had put the zipper in but had not attached the facing, but I had already cut off the extra portion of the zipper, so no zipper stays. So, I put the jacket on, zipped it up....all the way....and pulled the zipper pull right off the zipper. I was heart broken. Thankfully there's another zipper pull on the zipper in order to unzip the zipper from the bottom. My husband held the top portion of the zipper so I didn't pull the other zipper pull of. I worked and worked and worked. I was just about ready to give up when the piece I had pulled off went back on. I was so relieved, but it was my husband who really celebrated. Whenever I'm in charge of something, I feel such an obligation to participate. My husband was so happy because he knew how disappointed I would be if I showed up with a half finished jacket.
In the above picture you can see that I used a magnetic snap on the front flap.
To cover the snap I covered a large button and attached it.
I also covered buttons and attached them over the velcro that the pattern called for on the cuffs.
And finally, my silk lining. The color that you see in the previous pictures is more true to the color than what you see in the above picture.
By the way, I did knit the bag that is in one of the previous pictures and is pictured below as well as the scarf. The extra ball of yarn is for a hat, which I need to get to. The lining of the jacket is exactly the same color as the kitted pieces

So the jacket is finished. Now I need to catch up on my neglected posts. I'll do last Friday's  Fabulous Free Pattern Friday, tomorrow.
Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.


  1. Oh, Rhonda, they should be using your version on the Vogue pattern. Your jacket is lovely. I have this pattern (no surprise there) but your version is inspiring me to move it up the long queue. Fabulous fabric, beautiful fit and great zipper recovery.

  2. that looks just great on you! cool pattern on the fabric.

  3. Forgot to mention that your coat is great! (Thought that part was obvious.) Hmmm. My first comment isn't appearing. I saluted your efforts and was so impressed with your husband's support.

  4. GREAT coat, and fabulous zipper save, lucky you are to have such a supportive DH (I have one, too!)

  5. Excellent job with your coat. Love the fabric and glad you were able to save the zipper!!!!

  6. Beautiful fabric, great marriage of fabric to pattern, skillful save with the zipper, finishing on time, fabulous coordinating accessories........perfection!!!!!

  7. Great fabric choice for this pattern. The coat looks very flattering on you. The bag and scarf are simply gorgeous, and up the wow factor big time. Kudos from a sister sewist/knitter!
